Everyone is always first to scream when they have a problems, and with this update by looking at the posts you would think most are having problems well most people are NOT having problem. The silent people.
It should be fare to hear from both side.
I have talked to at least 10 people with no problems at all myself included. On the forums you would be lead to believe it's everyone having problems.
One fact we do know now is many didn't read the direction when updating. It said to remove your micro sd card first and many did not and some now won't admit they didn't removed it.
I feel for those that have problems nothing worse than having a good working phone and doing a upgrade and now have a non working phone, nothing is worse.
Writing this is also about another update on another devise I have and just been threw a similar set of problems and those problems turns out were from the people updating were not following the directions.
I'm by far no expert many on this forum know far more than me, just want to see if those not have any issues or maybe these forums are just hear for people to list problems.
It should be fare to hear from both side.
I have talked to at least 10 people with no problems at all myself included. On the forums you would be lead to believe it's everyone having problems.
One fact we do know now is many didn't read the direction when updating. It said to remove your micro sd card first and many did not and some now won't admit they didn't removed it.
I feel for those that have problems nothing worse than having a good working phone and doing a upgrade and now have a non working phone, nothing is worse.
Writing this is also about another update on another devise I have and just been threw a similar set of problems and those problems turns out were from the people updating were not following the directions.
I'm by far no expert many on this forum know far more than me, just want to see if those not have any issues or maybe these forums are just hear for people to list problems.