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[Verizon] Should I get the S3 or the S4?


Ok, so I'm due for an upgrade, and have been weighing all the options for a while now. After looking at all the upcoming toys on Verizon (Droid Maxx/Ultra, Moto X, One, and these two Galaxies), I've settled on one of the the two Samsung models.

Main reason is removable battery. While I get the move most smartphone makers are making in this direction in the name of slimmer phones with longer lasting batteries (you don't have to configure your guts to accommodate a big consumer friendly battery hole), I think I'll wait out the sealed phone for another two years till I'm confident they can get me through a long day and beyond.

Anyway, the reviews I've been seeing all seem to indicate that the s4 is an "incremental" upgrade. I'm just wondering if it's worth the extra $100 or so, or if I should just grab an s3 and be done with it. Kind of tired of looking around for better deals on the s4 and not really prepared to drop the extra dough. Should I wait out the tech cycle till these drop or just get the s3?

One more factor to consider is that I am a fan of rooting and will plan to root my device sometime in the future, so if the roms in development for the s4 are that much more tasty I might be more tempted to wait.

Gonn post a similar thread (ctrl+c, ctrl+v, lol) in the s4 forum so I can get responses from both sides fo the fence.

Thanks for indulging my TLDR.:)
If I were choosing between the two, I'd pick a S3. The S4 has slightly better specs, but an extra hundred dollars is too much for them - sounds like you might be thinking the same.

However if you could find it for only $50 more, I'd recommend the S4.
The S4 has so many more features than the S3 has. I had the S3, and my S4 blows it away. If you have the extra to spend get an S4, if you don't an S3 is still a great phone.
I was going to say the following three factors would affect my decision:

1. The need for IR. It was very important to me.
2. The availability of future OS updates.
3. Your budget. Rather obviously, Paul Allen wouldn't be asking this question.

If you're planning on rooting, maybe the second isn't that big of a factor.

BTW, I don't think much of many of the software features Samsung advertises for the S4. Those wouldn't factor into my decision at all.
Love my s3, still. Web browsing is fast, the phone works smooth. If you're looking to save money get the s3. If you have the extra cash get the 4. I think you already answered your own ? really.
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