Been a US Cellular customer for, well, forever. I've been a customer of all carriers, but US Cellular has by far been the best, so I thought I'd never consider changing. Now I've got a problem and they refuse to work with me.
We just updated to our first smart phones, mesmerizes, and upgraded to the Belief Project. Thought we had died and gone to heaven, until 2 wks later, one phone received a call while driving, and vibrated right into the floor board shattering the screen. They say the phone was abused, so they won't replace it. We have insurance, but that requires the $100.00 deductible that I don't feel we should have to pay, given the phone vibrated only a few inches and hit soft carpet and this should not have shattered the screen like it did. So far after emailing Samsung twice, I've not gotten anywhere with them either. I've seen where people have said they dropped their phones on pavement from a standing position and it was fine, so why did one of mine shatter so easily?
Be very careful if you upgrade to this new Belief Project. Read the fine print as all is not as it appears to be
We just updated to our first smart phones, mesmerizes, and upgraded to the Belief Project. Thought we had died and gone to heaven, until 2 wks later, one phone received a call while driving, and vibrated right into the floor board shattering the screen. They say the phone was abused, so they won't replace it. We have insurance, but that requires the $100.00 deductible that I don't feel we should have to pay, given the phone vibrated only a few inches and hit soft carpet and this should not have shattered the screen like it did. So far after emailing Samsung twice, I've not gotten anywhere with them either. I've seen where people have said they dropped their phones on pavement from a standing position and it was fine, so why did one of mine shatter so easily?
Be very careful if you upgrade to this new Belief Project. Read the fine print as all is not as it appears to be