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Very poor Sprint coverage in my home

I am not posting this to knock Sprints coverage I am posting this to see if I am alone in this or if others have has similar issues and how they have battled this problem. I did have an old Sprint Airave that Ting activated and my coverage was awesome. Needless to say Sprint dropped the old airaves off the network and mine is now dead.

So I am battling poor coverage again. I find myself hard pressed to pay $200 for a new airave. I know they are on ebay but it is a little risky buying one of those.

So any suggestions on things that you have tried and worked or didn't work? I know there are repeaters (I think that is what they are called) that will strengthen most cell carriers signals. But I don't know if they work. I also know they are expensive too.

So have at it I am looking for input, good or bad! Thanks
I get an excellent signal in my home, but I've been to a few peoples homes where I only had 1 or 2 bars. Easiest solution is to stand next to a window, and if the first window doesn't help try one on a different wall.

But location is key - if you're too far from the towers not much will help other then getting a new Airwave. You could check if Ting will sell used Airwaves in the future.
It is kind of interesting because if I step out on my back porch I get 3+ bars of 4g. Inside I am lucky to get 1 bar of 3g... I know in the past my phones have had issues bouncing between 3g and 4g. So I don't know if it is as simple as being in a bad area or if it is a network problem...
I have to go down the road a little to get 4g, though for the most part I have it shut off on the phone because it's a drain on the battery. Only turn it on if I am actually using it.
Sadly, I get pretty poor reception in my home even though it is decent outside. Overall I have found Sprint's building penetration to be pretty poor. Where I work, it is constantly flipping between none, roaming, 3g, 1x, and rarely lte.

Anyway since I use Google Voice I got an Obihai device which allows me to connect a couple of cordless phones over VOIP. I also use Talkatone for VOIP from my cell phone. Works pretty well and uses less minutes on Ting.
Thanks for the suggestions. @fdbryant3, my buddy is using the obi box also and loves it. Just a couple questions about it, when you get a voicemail how to you retrieve it? Can you do it from the handset? Another one, Are there different obi boxes? If so is there one you prefer? If so why? Thanks for all the help.
Since I am using Google Voice I get voicemail on my cell via the app which also runs over my Wifi connection or through my computer. Not sure if I could retrieve through the handset, I think so but you'd have to some research about Google Voice.

There are different models of Obi devices which offer different features. I have the base model which meets my needs and couldn't really speak to the others.
I actually have the google voice plugin on my browser. It's very convenient for texting and retrieving voicemails
@Drogyn Can you elaborate on the google voice plugin? I have the google voice app on my phone but I think you mean something different. Thanks
it's a chrome browser plugin for your computer, texts sent and received echo there so you don't have to even pick up your phone, voicemail also shows there.
You can also make your phone place a call via google voice through phone number links on any webpage. I use it a lot, it's quite nice.


Excuse the odd link, I assume it will work for you, it's just the chrome app store
Just discovered like 5 mins ago that it also plugs into the google hangouts app for chrome and you can actually take calls through it

And place them too
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