Pay As You Go Plan Customers - Updates
- Pay As You Go Payments/Top-Ups No Longer Cumulative - Full Amount Must Be Added In One Transaction to Extend Service
* For Pay As You Go Plans, any payments/Top-Ups made in order to extend your service will no longer be cumulative within a 72-hour period. Once the system is updated, you will need to add the full amount in a single transaction in order to extend your service. (i.e. $10 for 45 days of service, $20 for 90 days of service or $90 for 365 days of service)
- Registered Payment Vehicle Options - Removing Monthly Charge Option
* Once the system is updated, you will no longer have the ability to set your Registered Payment Vehicle to pay for monthly charges such as add-on charges like Data Packs or Messaging Packs or set the day of the month when you want your account to be topped-up.
* If you currently have one of these options set, once the system is updated, you will have to select the option to Top-Up every 90 days or when your cash balance is low ($5 or less).
- Registered Payment Vehicle Options - Must Add $20 Every 90 Days to Extend Service
* If you are a Pay As You Go Plan customer, you will no longer be able to add $15 to extend your service for 90 days. $15 will extend your service for 45 days.
* Once the system is updated, you will need to add at least $20 every 90 days in order to extend your service.
- Minute/Message/Data Pack Add-Ons
* Once the system is updated, service periods for Minute/Message/Data Pack add-ons will change from 30-days to a calendar month cycle (for example, if you purchase a Message Pack on May3rd it is good through June 2nd, and you'll need to purchase another Message Pack on June 3rd).
- Minute Pack Maximums Changing
* If you are a Pay As You Go Plan customer who purchases Minute Packs, you are aware that there is a 5,000 minute maximum - once you accumulate 5,000 minutes in your account, any additional Minute Packs added will not increase your minute count above 5,000.
* Once the system is updated, the 5,000 minute maximum rule for Minute Packs will be removed. Instead, you will be allowed to add a maximum of 5 packs per denomination to your account (i.e. up to 5-$20 Minute Packs, up to 5-$30 Minute Packs, up to 5-$50 Minute Packs).
Please review from your PC the updated Important Service/Product Terms at
Virgin Mobile USA and General Terms & Conditions of Service at
Virgin Mobile USA. Check out the System Update Frequently Asked Questions at
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