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Help VZW Update: 3.14.605.13.710RD

This update was just pushed to my phone a few minutes ago.

So, far, so good. I wasn't expecting this, have I been asleep?

What do we know about this build? I Experiences?

I'm located in the Indianapolis metro area.
We know very little, it just appeared earlier this week, and nothing other than "Device enhancements" has been said about it officially. The general consensus on most forums is that it's a pre-upgrade update for a forthcoming upgrade to Global Mode on the Rezound and ICS on the Incredible 2 (an update approximately the same size was released to each of these devices simultaneously).

As far as everyone can tell, it changes nothing visibly... it does break existing root, but it doesn't stop any unlocking or re-rooting attempts and previous procedures work fine.
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