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Wait what?

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WOW! Ummm, NO! I have an optimus V and I haven't used it for a couple years now. It was great at first but then quickly ran out of memory. My wife was forever out of memory on it. As apps got larger it just bacame way too small to do hardly anything. It was rugged and very durable and other than the memory was great, quite honestly but $69.99 is a bit outrageous really!
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I have two still that work perfectly (and still get used as plugged in mp3 players). LOL! Definitely a bullet proof phone!

Same here. Replaced the Op V I purchased over 3 1/2 years ago with the Samsung Galaxy Victory, but I still use it to play music around the house. Still has the 16GB SD card I got for it. Very sturdy phone that has seen a lot of use, abuse and more custom ROMs than I can count.
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