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want a new laptop


Oct 18, 2011
ok so i am going to college soon and i really need to ditch my current laptop. I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 with 2GB of RAM and a dual core Pentium (R) processor. Being the techie i am, it is just not enough now. It has no HDMI out, it gets slow, and now it is blue screening randomly. There is also no webcam and only around 150 GB of storage. I got this laptop for free from my school last year for my performance on the CAPT (a CT test in high school) but I just really need an upgrade. Im looking for something between $350-$500, that is fast, has everything this laptop is missing, and a processor that would be upgradeable to Windows 8. Any suggestions at all?:thinking:
You might want to include such things as:

screen size. It will ,for example, be hard to find a 17 inch laptop in your price range
stroage. 150GB may not be enough, but how much do you want?
portability. Ultrabook? Or will this mainly stay in a dorm?
do you game? graphics that are good enough to game with will again be hard in your price range

Now, you say you are a techie. I suggest you take one more step in that direction and try Linux out on your current computer. You may lose some things (notably the proprietary applciations for which there is no real replacement, like many CAD suites and Adobe products). Otherwise, you computer will be faster and not BSOD. Obviously this will not give you a webcam, more storage, or HDMI. But if you buy the new computer, you can tinker with the old. And, if you are going into any field involving programming, Linux is so much easier to deal with for development (At least in my experience and opinion).

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first you need to identify your needs that what exactly you want, and how much budget do you have. believe me there are hundreds of hundreds machine are available in the market which fulfills your requirement.

G'day Mate,

I sell computers for a living and I must admit it does depend on what you want to do with it. The more performance you go for the less the computer will last on its battery. If its going to be plugged in all the time then that isn't a issue. I wouldn't buy a computer with less than 6 GB of RAM in it these days. I believe that this is where you would be looking to spend a majority of your money. When you think now entry level is about 4 GB of RAM if you can up it to as much as your budget can stretch then that is what you should do. Having more RAM takes a lot of the work from the Hard Drive and to some extent the CPU. When you have a little bit of RAM your hard drive with thrash around more which will slow you down. But RAM is much faster option. So if you can stretch the budget go for 8GB of RAM or more. Something Medium Range about a i5 or even a i3 if its just for word processing.

Hope that helps


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