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Wat shood i do?


Well-Known Member
I cant taake the stress of college and working jobs so i applied for disability but thinking of my llfe i still get suicidal.

Been thinking of joining the peace corp or sumthing for rest of my llife. I was in airrforce for a year but got discharged for being suicidal.

So wat can i join? Can i bee a monk or something? Wat do i have to do?
I've been in a bad place many times and watched my father throw his own life away by cutting and running every time things got tough or unpleasant. Joining something to escape never works ... and suicide is just the ultimate "run away". If the armed services discharged you I don't think there are many organizations that will let you hide within their ranks.

You know the age old clich
Remind yourself that as bad as it gets, it never gets so bad that death (which is final by the way, no changing your mind, no going back) is the better option. The only way I could see death as an option is if I'm in so much pain with no chance of recovery (and thus my loved ones are dragged down by my pain) that it would alleviate the burden put on my family and loved ones by my life being terminated.

Put your life in perspective. Look at life in some 3rd world country where a child has to scrounge for food daily, for water that's not diseased (I'll stop there so I don't sound like Sally Struthers). I bet if one of those kids were offered to live in your shoes, they'd jump at the chance. Don't focus so much on what's wrong with your life as focusing on what's right with your life.
Have you attempted to contact the VA? You should have gotten a medical or 'other than honorable' discharge. That does not mean they can dump you on the streets.

Seriously, call the VA. We had a number of suicidal people on my boat (some with loaded guns in their hands) and we always made sure they got taken care of. Always.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

I believe the number you have to call is:

Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA)
CHAMPVA In-House Treatment Initiative (CITI)


or maybe

Health Care Benefits 1-877-222-8387

But the page I found this info on is here:


They should not have dumped you like that. Also, for a job, contact the Lucas Group. They specialize in finding jobs for anyone who has served.

Executive Recruiting, Executive Jobs, Executive Recruiters, Executive Search Firm | Lucas Group
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