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Website ideas


Android Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2010
I currently have a domain just sitting doing absolutely nothing. I have the time and motivation to make something out of it, but absolutely no ideas on what to make. Lets see what the AF community can come up with as far as website ideas, I'm open to pretty much anything which fits the category of the domain (which is below), so post any random ideas you have.

Domain: tech3k.net
I've been considering a blog, but I would need people to post news. I guess in theory it wouldn't be hard to find some though, adi already stated he would be willing to help, would you be interested Daed?
(I can handle organizing the site, getting it up and running, etc. I've had my fair share of experience with websites, finding contributors and advertising the site would be what I would have the most issues with)
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so basically something to go up against Engadget? I'd be willing to help, got nothing to do past 3 pm so...

Well that might be a stretch, competing with Engadget would be quite a challenge.
I would go as far to say something like Engadget.

Everyone who said they would be interested in helping, I'll inform you as soon as I get everything set up, anyone else interested just post here and let me know.
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I don't plan to make money off the website, that isn't my goal. If at any point I can, then I'll take advantage of it but it isn't my primary focus. Same goes for investing into Ad-Sense, I'm going to hold off doing that until I'm 100% sure that the site is actually going to go somewhere. Seems logical to me.

Should have everything set up today, if not today then definitely tomorrow.
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The trouble with doing a tech site is its already a well served market with sites that have paid reporters, get sneak peaks from the manufacturers and so on. It wouldn't be easy to make a mark.

On the other hand, since the name is tech3k you could do articles as if it really is 3k and just make stuff up but make it funny and entertaining, sort of the The Onion meets the tech of 3K.

E.g. Archeologists uncover mass grave of early 21st century smartphone users. All are believed to have been victims of something called the infamous iPhone Death Grip...

and so on.
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The trouble with doing a tech site is its already a well served market with sites that have paid reporters, get sneak peaks from the manufacturers and so on. It wouldn't be easy to make a mark.

On the other hand, since the name is tech3k you could do articles as if it really is 3k and just make stuff up but make it funny and entertaining, sort of the The Onion meets the tech of 3K.

E.g. Archeologists uncover mass grave of early 21st century smartphone users. All are believed to have been victims of something called the infamous iPhone Death Grip...

and so on.

I know we're all Android fans here, but if MeeGo things were reported, it'd almost be a first
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