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What are the odds


Well-Known Member
What are the odds if I don't pre order the Razr and go to the verizon store to get it instead when released? Cause here is my dilemma, I don't have any credit cards anymore since I paid all them off and cut them up. And since you cannot pre order and put on your bill I will have to wait for it to be released in stores.
Do you think I have a chance of getting one or not.

You should be fine..most people don't like the hassle of going to the store and will just pre-order it any how (like me :) )

Don't see a shortage. I think you should be ok.....
You will be 99% fine...Just get there early! VZW has a habit of sending 20 phones to large stores, and about 5-10 to smaller stores. So I'd just get there fairly early on launch day and you should be fine! This is by no means an iphone launch, However...Expect this phone to get some serious air time on TV this week during primetime, and most of all during football next weekend!
Getting on-line with VZW or corporate store is same support. This launch seems a different animal than previous releases. Even bigger than the first Droid. Just sayin'.

Point being, hard to know what they will do.
They will have plenty. Most people have no idea about the phone until some advertisements start airing. Only the inc sold out and that was because of component shortages, you will be fine getting one in store launch day.
Thanks everybody,
Just curious since you all are pre-ordering it do you guys get it before the stores or same time as the stores get it.
And one last questions, are they letting only a certain amount of pre orders?

Thanks everybody,
Just curious since you all are pre-ordering it do you guys get it before the stores or same time as the stores get it.
And one last questions, are they letting only a certain amount of pre orders?


Usually you get it a day or two before launch in store. Preorders all depend on what stock they have.
But you mean if you pre-order you are still are not guarantee the phone on time?


i've heard of that happening before. Something could always cause the shipping delay.

i went to the store for the DX launch. the store i was at only had about 40 or 50 i think. They were out by lunch. I had two VZW stores in my town at the time. Now i have 3.

As launch gets closer you will see inventory #'s start to pop of i'm sure.
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