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What do you consider...


Android Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2010
A hacker? A skiddie? (Script kiddie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
I recently got threatened playing Battlefield that someone would hit me with a booter (DoS program) because he was failing in an argument with me, so if anyones wondering this question randomly popped into my head after that. :p
Please note; this thread is not for people to argue about their beliefs, I simply want to see what people think. (Of course most people's definition of a skiddie is for the most part the same, but that isn't always true)

For me;
Someone who enjoys tweaking technology, is generally good with technology, things of that nature. (I know that sounds a lot like the official definition, but thats just how I see it.)

Someone who uses programs coded by others to "do their dirty work" and then claims that doing that makes them "cool" and "smart".
I am going to agree with both of your definitions. Although I would define script kiddie more by the attitude than the use of other people's code. Using someone else's already written code is smart and efficient. Being smug about it is what makes you an idiot.

Add in to that
cracker - one who hacks maliciously

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Crackers are people who modify paid programs to be able to be used without purchasing (normally by creating a program that "patches" the paid program in question). It's basically a form of piracy.

Black hat "hackers" are the ones that "hack" with malicious intent, grey hat is that fine line between black hats and white hats, and white hats are the ones that are penetration testers, ethical hackers, or malware experts.
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