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What is it that is really holding you back?

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Wow... just wow... I am totally blown away... I am just blown away.

I have no idea what to say...

Deaf Blind pianist Sky Mundell Wins VIGT - YouTube

I think this guy is an absolutely brilliant man.

He is absolutely out of this world.

Out of the shell...

He is amazing and is the real McCoy.

Instead of just being a burden on the system... he rose above all the flames / issues in life and has made something out of his very unfortunate predicament in life.

I am truly inspired.

You know what... I complain a crap load about my country and the issues it has ... my depression... my poor academic results... this and that... but there is only one thing I can see now that is the problem.

My attitude.

It is ME that is the problem... not society.... so true...

"Your attitude determines your altitude in life"

I have a ****ing crappy attitude and I am just too selfish to admit it.

What is it that makes us forget how lucky we really are?

I wonder what it is?

I am very fortunate in life... I have so much... yet complain even more???

I am sooooooooooooooo freaking lucky to have a good set of eyes... teeth... no serious physical medical issues... I am just freaking lucky and so I just wanted to share this.

I wanted to share this with everyone here because I think it is freaking important actually...

I can see...

I can hear...

I can run.....


Soooo many people cannot do this..... I am feeling really freaking lucky right now.

I could have been born blind for goodness sake. :(

Wow... wow just wow......

So I want to ask myself... and all my friends because most people here are my friends a very very very very serious question:

What is it that is really holding you back?

Think very seriously about that.

It is weekend now so there should be plenty of time to think about it...

That man playing the piano is a super amazing genius in my opinion .... I am ashamed of myself for not trying to set out my goals...

I look at that guy and can't even imagine why I have not done anything of serious value with this life.

ME and I and only I have put myself in this crappy position in life...

I really believe nothing is impossible when you believe in yourself.

There Really Is No Limit If You Try!!!! :)

I just wanted to share this with anyone having serious issues in life and I hope some how you realize that you are really amazing and gifted in one way or another and if you really try as hard as you can the sky is the limit.

I have had serious mental health issues in life but I am starting to seriously realize that my issues... are really not that big and just a drop in the ocean :)

I really hope this has helped any one who reads this that you can get out of anything if you really try and apply yourself and don't stop believing in yourself.


All I can say is ... you're a good person, Wayne.. just to be touched in that way and to share. :)

Ha ha Thanks Frisco! :D

Thank you so very much :)

You know I was very very close to killing myself... twice...

I could not talk very well at all... I could barely talk actually , I thought asylum was going to be my new "home" and my "future".

I was actually classified as crazy at one point... I went to asylum for a short while, but I persevered like crazy and gave it 500%.

Life can be filled with serious challenges sometimes,

It was very hard... school was tough... soooo freaking tough, I failed grade 11 like 4 times but sure as hell I got back up again and got back in the game.

I am now doing fine now at University and I think I have done really well for myself :)

I am proud of myself of where I am today and how far I have come.

And you know what?

If you are still reading this I am damn proud of you too for still being with this world today if you have had serious issues in life and still going strong.

And NEVER be ashamed of making mistakes or having a mental hick up or two... especially in these chaotic and strange times... this world can be a pretty difficult place at times, it is a strange world in a way today...


Today you are a new man and forget the past because what can't kill you can only make you stronger ;)

This is my more than likely my most favourite saying out of all the famous quotes I have ever heard, it really is a lovely saying I heard it in a South African musician's song / art a long time ago really nice song too.

"The Stronger The Wind The Stronger The Tree..."

I have no idea who's quote that is or who said it 1st but my guess he / she was more than likely a very clever man / woman :)

I believe we are all challenged every single day in one way or another and you are pretty much given 2 very basic choices or directions in which you want to go...

Positive... or... negative... :)

Ying... and... Yang ;)

You can either be positive... or foolishly negative and.

This is also one of my favourite sayings :D

"A loser sees a problem to every solution... where as a winner sees a solution to every problem :)"


Remember if I can do it... SO CAN YOU :)

I know you might not believe me and think I am a nut case if you have had very serious issues in life but for what it is worth:




Ahh that felt really good! :)
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