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What is the best way to prepare 1000s of phones for field deployment.


We have a situation where we need to distribute 1000s of Android Phones to Field workers so they can use an application that we have developed. These users are not tech savy and hence the preparation is proposed to be centralized before it is distributed to them. By 'Preparation' I mean a) unpacking b) updating the OS if required c) installing SIMs d) Installing our Android App e) Copying related media. The main concern here is about the google account. Creating a google account for each device (or even 1 for 10 devices) will be a tedious task. Not sure if google will even allow creation of several accounts from the same network without considering it as some sort of non-adherence to their policies.
This is for an NGO and hence the solution needs to be economical as well.
Would appreciate pointers and suggestions that can help us device a workable strategy to this deployment issue.
if you have the tools from the manufacturer of the devices to flash firmware on them , I'd suggest creating a base template of what you want on one device.
dump the firmware to an image file,
and then flash that image to all of the phones.
then the first time you power on those devices, they are all ready up to date with apps and data you want included because of flashing the dumped firmware back to the other devices.
then your employees can just log in with their google accounts and you dont have to mess with the activation wizard etc.

I really dont know your particular situation as you didn't disclose the details of the data / apps involved.
or the devices makes /models etc.
but as someone who copies phones from a template to produce multiples to sell on eBay,
that would be my recommendation.

of course that assumes your company bought 1000 of the same model/type of device...
if they are all different kinds a big mixed bag of phones , then
that wouldn't apply.
hopefully that'll give you some ideas to go on.

Thanks for your suggestions. This is a healthcare related app and proposed to be used on Samsung Galaxy on7 Pro devices. All the users will have the same device model.

If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that one phone be prepared fully and then an image of this be flashed on the other devices. Would you be able to suggest a tool that does this well?

Thanks for your inputs, one again. Appreciate it.
Yes. This is a significantly large project. We will take your suggestion and do some more reading on this.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Appreciate it.
If you're thinking of the cloning method be sure to check with the IT dept. to confirm they're trained and equipped with the proper machines to clone phones on a mass scale. If all the phones are the same make/model that will be slightly less hassle, if several brands and models, that's going to be a lot more work as one phone's image will be a problematic, if not soft-bricking, a different phone.

If you're thinking of using GSuite however, be sure to check with your legal dept. You mentioned there's a health related app involved and if it's in any way tied to HIPAA compliance than there will be most likely a lot of legal issues if you were to tie into something like Gsuite.
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