Android Question
I am a big android fan. Huge, but why why why why do their updates suck so hard?
I bought the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 half a year ago and whatever it came with stocked ICS 4.0 or something was really good. Screen shot always available in the corner right next to the home and back button. Totally accessible not to mention the battery power that ran this thing! No freezes nothing. So the next update comes out 4.1 or whatever and man was I pissed. My excitement turned into anger quickly as the first sight of the lay out was the back,recent app,and home buttons were shifted through out the bottom of the screen. Not only was it ugly, but now I had to break my thumb just to click back or home button. Last weeks update to 4.2 jelly bean was just an overkill. I am a good care taker of my things so this isn't my fault, but now if I leave the device out for an hour idle on standby, the battery life will go down 15%. I could have no apps even open and it goes down to 85%!!! The lock screen layout is hideous and it lags when I unlock. Why o why are your updates sucking so much lately. I used to love getting on my tablet, now it's a complete frustration for so many reasons. Please let there be away for us to downgrade to the initial ICS when it first came out. JB sucks! Your updates are making everything worse for me. I havn't even listed half of my problems with your updates.
I bought the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 half a year ago and whatever it came with stocked ICS 4.0 or something was really good. Screen shot always available in the corner right next to the home and back button. Totally accessible not to mention the battery power that ran this thing! No freezes nothing. So the next update comes out 4.1 or whatever and man was I pissed. My excitement turned into anger quickly as the first sight of the lay out was the back,recent app,and home buttons were shifted through out the bottom of the screen. Not only was it ugly, but now I had to break my thumb just to click back or home button. Last weeks update to 4.2 jelly bean was just an overkill. I am a good care taker of my things so this isn't my fault, but now if I leave the device out for an hour idle on standby, the battery life will go down 15%. I could have no apps even open and it goes down to 85%!!! The lock screen layout is hideous and it lags when I unlock. Why o why are your updates sucking so much lately. I used to love getting on my tablet, now it's a complete frustration for so many reasons. Please let there be away for us to downgrade to the initial ICS when it first came out. JB sucks! Your updates are making everything worse for me. I havn't even listed half of my problems with your updates.