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What to know before RMAing - trying to inform myself


Android Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2009
First off, I just wanted to thank you guys for always being so helpful. It's really nice to have people like you to discuss things with.

I just bought a used Nexus 6P, and it seems to suffer from the battery shutoff issue once it gets below ~10%. The original owner bought directly from the Google Play store in Sept 2016, so it's still under warranty with Google, and I believe that means I should be able to RMA it.

Before I do anything, I'd like to have as much info as possible to make this go as smoothly as possible; I'm traveling out of the country at the end of May and I need a device that works pretty much flawlessly by then, so timing is a factor.

Question 1

If I make a Nandroid backup in TWRP, move it to my computer's Hard Drive, copy it onto the RMA replacement, and restore it, that would very quickly restore me to where I was with my current phone without any issues, correct?
If it matters, I'm unlocked, stock-rooted on 6.0.1 (MTC20L), stock kernel, and TWRP (v3.0.3.0 iirc.) I used Nexus Root Toolkit for all of this.

Question 2:
Besides the ones I've listed below, what common Nexus 6P issues do I need to watch for when I get my RMA device?
  • Device overheating
  • Bootlooping
  • Random Reboots
  • Powers down once battery is below __%
  • Microphone / call quality issues
  • Screen discoloration issues
  • Bent / broken volume buttons
  • Screen separating from device
  • Wifi / radio / bluetooth / gps issues? (not sure if this is relevant)

Question 3:
How does the RMA process actually work?
  • To RMA, do I just call the Nexus / Google support line, give them my IMEI, explain that I'm having the battery shutoff issue and request they send me a warranty replacement?
  • Are there additional steps I'll need to take because I'm not the original owner?
  • Do I have to send Google my phone for them to send me the replacement, or do they send me the replacement first and then I send them my current device once the replacement arrives?
  • What's the typical turnaround time between making the RMA request and receiving the new device?

Anything else I should know?
I'm always wary about taking a nandroid from one device and restoring it on another. It's potentially unwarranted, but I'm sure I've seen issues when people have tried to do this in the past.

What might be easier is using Titanium Backup to backup your apps, data, texts, call logs etc and restore from that once you've unlocked and rooted your replacement device.

Have Google ok'd the RMA btw? I know over here, manufacturers normally ask for the original proof of purchase, did the first owner give you that?

I'll leave answering all the 6P specific stuff to actual 6P owners though. :)
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Thanks for the response. I went to pretty great lengths before buying to figure out if the warranty was transferable. Fortunately, for those who bought directly from Google, all that's required to transfer ownership and warranty is name, address, purchasing email, and obviously phone identification info, all of which I was certain to gather from the seller before purchasing.

I also made sure to talk to multiple people who'd done exactly what I'm talking about (RMA a Nexus 6P through Google.)

Having said all of this, I don't think Huawei is nearly as good. In fact, people who recount trying to RMA with them (everyone who didn't buy from Google Play, and/or who are outside of 1 year) are typically telling nightmarish stories of long waits and headaches galore.
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