With the stock battery I use up 30% battery an hour (15% over 30 min) when browsing the internet continuously.
with the official sprint 2600mah extended battery I only use up 12% an hour!
With the stock battery ill only get 3.3 hours of use and with the extended battery 8 hours of use. I'm wondering if I have a bad stock battery if the difference is so high. that or the 2600mah battery is really like a 3500mah battery.
Mods, don't merge this thread into the others. No one ever replies to those huge threads anymore.
with the official sprint 2600mah extended battery I only use up 12% an hour!
With the stock battery ill only get 3.3 hours of use and with the extended battery 8 hours of use. I'm wondering if I have a bad stock battery if the difference is so high. that or the 2600mah battery is really like a 3500mah battery.
Mods, don't merge this thread into the others. No one ever replies to those huge threads anymore.