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Apps WhatsApp like calling notification in android even if app is killed

I am developing audio call application when the user kills the app at that time also i need to notify the user for incoming call,currently i am using firebase data notification ,but it not works properly when app closed.please help me out from this problem.
I am developing audio call application when the user kills the app at that time also i need to notify the user for incoming call,currently i am using firebase data notification ,but it not works properly when app closed.please help me out from this problem.
Please help me out from this issue.
Thank you.

Best Regards,

Gopi Krishna P
You need to create a background service to listen for notifications

My problem is similar. When app is runing, my service is run, but the app event onPause the service kill in 1 min.
I use jobscheduler in Android 8.0 ( API 26), but job is runing in 15 min. I'm not happy, because I want the job run in 1-5 min.

Somebody help me? Please write the solution!
Use firebase push notification, and get device token while registering the user. Then whenever use tries to call another user then notification will be pushed to that user device and your app can be triggered with that push notification.
1. Learn how to get device token
2. Learn Firebase push notification.
3. Store Generated user's device token in your server.
4. Register firebase braodcast receiver in your manifest.
5. Code and Enjoy!
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