M mtwaha Newbie Jul 21, 2010 #1 Hi all, just want to know which cell phones are good for android. Have a task of sending an sms at the moment, so can anyone help?
Hi all, just want to know which cell phones are good for android. Have a task of sending an sms at the moment, so can anyone help?
Akalatengo Well-Known Member Jul 21, 2010 #2 You can sen sms from android to any other phone and vice-versa. is that what you meant?
M mtwaha Newbie Jul 21, 2010 #3 No. I've been searching for an android phone. Which one is the simplest and cheapest one available in the market?
No. I've been searching for an android phone. Which one is the simplest and cheapest one available in the market?
Akalatengo Well-Known Member Jul 21, 2010 #4 oh sorry, I think the simplest and cheapest is the htc hero and the google phone (nexus one) is very affordable. The Hero, is smaller, lighter (on weight) and cuter though
oh sorry, I think the simplest and cheapest is the htc hero and the google phone (nexus one) is very affordable. The Hero, is smaller, lighter (on weight) and cuter though
Akalatengo Well-Known Member Jul 21, 2010 #5 just in case it helps Main Page | PDAdb.net - Comprehensive Database of PDA, PDA Phone, Smartphone, PNA & Mobile Device Specifications
just in case it helps Main Page | PDAdb.net - Comprehensive Database of PDA, PDA Phone, Smartphone, PNA & Mobile Device Specifications
M mtwaha Newbie Jul 21, 2010 #6 Ok, thanks alot. Wha about G1? i actually need it for some experimentation, thats why i want the simplest, cheapest one. And by sending sms, i meant making an app that does that So, any help on tht would be really cool too!
Ok, thanks alot. Wha about G1? i actually need it for some experimentation, thats why i want the simplest, cheapest one. And by sending sms, i meant making an app that does that So, any help on tht would be really cool too!
F fabionsos Lurker Jul 21, 2010 #7 Hi Guys Thanks for your post here. Thats a very good question there and something that was bought up when the HTC Magic was first released. The only phone that you have listed there that 'comes with Google' is the Nexus one. The HTC Magic also comes with Google. With this in mind all of the other handsets offer exchange Please let me know if you have any more questions and we'll be more than happy to help you further Thanks Wayne
Hi Guys Thanks for your post here. Thats a very good question there and something that was bought up when the HTC Magic was first released. The only phone that you have listed there that 'comes with Google' is the Nexus one. The HTC Magic also comes with Google. With this in mind all of the other handsets offer exchange Please let me know if you have any more questions and we'll be more than happy to help you further Thanks Wayne
CarsnGadgets Android Expert Jul 21, 2010 #8 if your in the UK, you could go for the entry level HTC tattoo
T takeshi Android Expert Jul 21, 2010 #9 Might help to know some things such as carrier, etc. I'd assume you're looking for a GSM device based on context, but again, it helps to specify.
Might help to know some things such as carrier, etc. I'd assume you're looking for a GSM device based on context, but again, it helps to specify.
G grainysand Android Expert Jul 21, 2010 #10 HTC Tattoo, Magic, or Wildfire would be your best bet. Or even better still, buy one of those cheap Chinese Android phones.
HTC Tattoo, Magic, or Wildfire would be your best bet. Or even better still, buy one of those cheap Chinese Android phones.