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Why Android Will Beat iPhone and BlackBerry??

Why not have a GPS program like Locale or Tasker send an SMS directly to the site or netbook via an SMS gateway? No need to authenticate anything. If an SMS is sent from XYZ phone number you can lock/unlock the door.

But you said it was a dumb lock. Or at least I said it was a dumb lock and you made no effort to correct me. If you can splice a cable to it then the lock is technically an IP device. I could assign an IP to that cable and have a much simpler system that would generate an unlock code based on SMS entirely and bypass the netbook.

I wouldn't assume you'd run Linux on the netbook. It's a very niche OS. I figured you were running something like XP Home. I don't mind admitting I would epically fail your "tech savvy" test even though I've got a programming degree and 8-10 yrs experience doing desktop and server support. :(

Sounds very complicated to me and not basic.
Sorry if I didn't clarify about the lock. Ithought it was understood that it was electronic in the question.

The test was not designed for a right/wrong implementation. There are about a dozen ways to handle this solution. It was design to gauge an individual's problem solving skill.
I said it was basic because it didn't touch on anything "out-of-the-box."

Most Android fanboys tend to claim their 'technical snuff' on all things mobile and cloud-aware superiority over lesser devices like the iPhone.
If they're smart enough to choose the features of a platform, they should be aware of its capabilities. Because of their platform choice, they claim to have a higher level of technical acumen. If they're rooting their phones, they should know what it entails and the power it leverage.
if they're smart enough to dig into the internals of their droids, I thought this test would be a piece of cake.

This was an actual job interview test for candidates. The test was geared for individuals who claimed a high level of technical competencies (savvyness) in their resume.
Specifically, someone who claimed their experience in mobile, web, n-tier/client-server, cloud, multi-platform "knowledge/familarity".
You don't need to be a programmer to pass the test nor do you need to meet every requirements. You only need to understand the current state of technology and know how to exploit it.
There are many "out-of-the-box" critical thinkers who can solve problems even if they don't have "enough" technical chops. It is very easy to pull up google and type in a search query to get an answer. The smart ones know their limitations and work around it.

I gave the candidates the laptop and lock to inspect before conducting the test.
Some people acted on the front cams. The major requirement was to use open-source tools at their disposal.You couldn't buy any apps as part of the requirements. Hence no SMS app.
Windows and Linux was irrelevant. It was up to the candidate to decide how they went about it. Most opted to install/run Linux.Most of the people who decided to go the Linux route were mac users. Given their choice, they would have done it on a mac. Most use whatever tools they felt comfortable or knew they could exploit. Some went Windows and opted to do a bluetooth stack/solution which was way overly complicated and not the type of candidate I was looking for.

What they stated on their resumes, I tailored the questions/test to see if they're bluffing or not. I wanted individuals who understood client computing and using any and every available free open-source tools at their disposal.
For example, when I test a programmer, I don't test their syntax and code. I could care less because those simple things can be googled. I look for the methodologies, response and dialog to determine their savvyness.

And for the record, I use my iPhone/iPad for work and my Android for play. I don't even need to jailbreak an iPhone to leverage what I need and I'll leave it at that. I'll gladly pay for quality apps that simplify my tasks. The specific iOS apps I use are specific apps that are superior than their current Android peers.
I'll change the boot load animation on my Incredible or test to see what highest video codecs/bitrate I can play on my Galaxy S. I'll even load a new rom on my Captivate to get rid of ATT bloatware. But when it comes to work, I pull out the IP4.
My friends who are devout religious Android/Anti-Steve Jobs herectics tend to agree with my choice given my work circumstances.

Speaking of playing around, I need to go un-root, un-revoke my Incredible and restore the factory radio baseband/from the OTA leak so I can get Froyo tomorrow.
Exact quote from an electrical engineering major, "This is why people who aren't tech savvy use iphones"
"Someone who wants everything needs an android"
I think there is some strong truth to what you say. Mrspeed, A.Nonymous and I have been kind of exploring the different directions that what we think of as "tech-savvy" can be expressed. Not sure if you caught all of the posts.

While it is an interesting debate, i feel its mostly pointless in relation to the original topic of this thread.

There will be countless personal examples of people using Android who dont know its name and people using iPhones who are the most tech literate people I could meet.

In the end these people will not decide what OS will ''Beat'' the rest. We on this forum wont.

It will be the general population who think all computers run windows, that you HAVE to have a AV software, dont know how computers work, dont know how their phones work and believe tech companies PR that decide who dominates the smartphone market.

It sucks but that is the way the world is.

BTW your discussion of fractional tech savviness is very interesting =)
Guys.... one more point why Android would beat iPhone....
Fanboys are locked into the four walls the Apple has provided them.... you can't much customize ur iPhone... But Android is the best in customization to any extend... :)
Most people with Android phones don't really customize their phones aside from a wallpaper change, and maybe a launcher. Iphone's UI doesn't look all that bad though.

I can't say weather or not Android will beat both Iphone and Blackberry. More than half of the people out there, if you just ask them which they would go for they genuinely don't go for a certain system based on technical specs since most people have no idea what hardware runs in their phones, and what software runs. Since Snapdragon and the A4 are both clocked at 1ghz, most people who don't know too much about the platform specs will say that they both perform the same since their clocked frequency is the same. We know that's different, not just from looking at phones but looking at Intel and AMD's cpus. But a majority of people still think dual core means your cpu is running at the total clocked frequencies of the 2 cores, so 1.6x2=3.2. Again, we know this is wrong but most people think that's how it is. People like the Iphone and Blackberries from personal experience and just the look of them. People like Android for this reason, but believe it or not people who root their phones and everything are not the majority of Android users, nor is this forum or any other Android forum. The point I'm making, most people aren't looking at these phones from a technological background, but which one they think will work the best for them. Android is growing fast. Very fast. But the biggest problem is phone carriers are putting out the high end Android devices that perform great, and then they put out the low end ones like the Backflip that perform terrible. And people base their opinion on weather the Android OS is great or bad because of that. Iphone and Blackberry have always performed great for what they need to do. Blackberries have always been fast and have had a great multitasking setup, Iphone has always done multimedia, apps, and the web browser great. The Original Iphone has a 400mhz cpu in it and the web browser easily outperforms the stock Web browser in Android. Why? Because it's optimized for the system. The Android Browser is optimized for Android, but Android a lot of times isn't optimized for the phone's specs.( Hint Hint Moment users) Sure, it may perform well on the Droid with a Cortex cpu and snapdragon cpu, but it sucks on the Moment and every phone with Motoblur. In my opinion, there should be no damn reason that a phone that is probably about half or a third as fast as my phone can surf the web so much better.
Most people with Android phones don't really customize their phones aside from a wallpaper change, and maybe a launcher. Iphone's UI doesn't look all that bad though.....

By telling customizing Android, I meant it for the people who would like their phone to act in their way!!!

I can't say weather or not Android will beat both Iphone and Blackberry. More than half of the people out there, if you just ask them which they would go for they genuinely don't go for a certain system based on technical specs since most people have no idea what hardware runs in their phones, and what software runs. Since Snapdragon and the A4 are both clocked at 1ghz, most people who don't know too much about the platform specs will say that they both perform the same since their clocked frequency is the same. We know that's different, not just from looking at phones but looking at Intel and AMD's cpus. But a majority of people still think dual core means your cpu is running at the total clocked frequencies of the 2 cores, so 1.6x2=3.2. Again, we know this is wrong but most people think that's how it is. People like the Iphone and Blackberries from personal experience and just the look of them. People like Android for this reason, but believe it or not people who root their phones and everything are not the majority of Android users, nor is this forum or any other Android forum. The point I'm making, most people aren't looking at these phones from a technological background, but which one they think will work the best for them. Android is growing fast. Very fast. But the biggest problem is phone carriers are putting out the high end Android devices that perform great, and then they put out the low end ones like the Backflip that perform terrible. And people base their opinion on weather the Android OS is great or bad because of that. Iphone and Blackberry have always performed great for what they need to do. Blackberries have always been fast and have had a great multitasking setup, Iphone has always done multimedia, apps, and the web browser great. The Original Iphone has a 400mhz cpu in it and the web browser easily outperforms the stock Web browser in Android. Why? Because it's optimized for the system. The Android Browser is optimized for Android, but Android a lot of times isn't optimized for the phone's specs.( Hint Hint Moment users) Sure, it may perform well on the Droid with a Cortex cpu and snapdragon cpu, but it sucks on the Moment and every phone with Motoblur. In my opinion, there should be no damn reason that a phone that is probably about half or a third as fast as my phone can surf the web so much better.

The Hardware manufactures would look at the people's engagement in using their respective hardware in their phone handset. Motorola's earlier OS could not even think of competing with Android and therefore, Motorola will have to go long to bring their phones up to the Android standard. I don't ignore Droid X. It's better than the other Motorola handsets.

It's just one year after the Android was launched. So there is a lot to go in changing the common perception about the phone handset. Only once the right perception is developed and when people start making use of their handset completely, the competition/Public need will compel the manufacturer to improve their handset...
For those that were interested in the OP's claims here are some interesting links.....

Android overtakes Blackberry and iPhone
Android, iPhone threaten RIM's market share
Android close to overtaking RIM

oh and whats this.....a POLL albeit for the EVO 4G, but I think we can draw enough conclusions from the above, which when added to the preliminary findings from this forum and from other android forums out there do prove that people are leaving iPhone behind for android.

An interesting stat from the Neilsen poll for US customers suggest that only 6% of iPhone users will jump ship to android while 21% of android users are considering going the other way. Maybe that is why some members on here are getting confused, you see the US is NOT the world!!

As this comscore report shows that Apple from Apr 09 to Apr 10 have seen an increase in market share (Europe) of 161%. Not too shabby. But compared to Android over the same period which saw an increase of 2429%......Yes I did say that correctly according to the stats!

Here is another Nielsen poll which counters some of the other earlier findings.

Hence the reason why I was against posting these statistics in the first place and suggested going and finding them for yourselves. Statistics are just numbers that can be applied to suit any situation. Nowhere in any of my posts did I suggest that they were to be taken as gospel! As you will note, I have included stats in here that counter my posts, hey.....why would I do that?

Whether that satisfies some members desire for statistics is another matter but as I said before, the information is there, you just have to look ;)
By telling customizing Android, I meant it for the people who would like their phone to act in their way!!!

The thing is most people don't care. They really don't. The vast majority of people look at how the phone acts out of box and don't want to spend the time to change that. On Android I can install Tasker, different launchers and a myriad of other programs and completely change the experience and tailor it just for me. I'm sure other users on this forum are the same way. However, we're not typical of the average Android user. If you're looking at straight out of the box vanilla experience, then iOS is better. If you're looking at the ability to do customization, Android is far, far better even vs a jailbroken iPhone. Most people just don't care about that though.

The Hardware manufactures would look at the people's engagement in using their respective hardware in their phone handset. Motorola's earlier OS could not even think of competing with Android and therefore, Motorola will have to go long to bring their phones up to the Android standard. I don't ignore Droid X. It's better than the other Motorola handsets.

It's just one year after the Android was launched. So there is a lot to go in changing the common perception about the phone handset. Only once the right perception is developed and when people start making use of their handset completely, the competition/Public need will compel the manufacturer to improve their handset...

As I said earlier, the vast majority of people don't make use of their handset completely regardless of what handset they have. That's not going to change.

oh and whats this.....a POLL albeit for the EVO 4G, but I think we can draw enough conclusions from the above, which when added to the preliminary findings from this forum and from other android forums out there do prove that people are leaving iPhone behind for android.

You said people were leaving the iPhone for Android "in droves". The poll says 13%. This is comparable with WinMo, WebOS and first time smart phone users in the poll you quoted. Hardly "droves". The poll says nearly 40% are coming from BB. If you wanted to say BB users are leaving RIM in droves that would be more accurate. You can't say that about iOS users. By your logic, according to the poll, everyone is coming to Android in droves.

Hence the reason why I was against posting these statistics in the first place and suggested going and finding them for yourselves. Statistics are just numbers that can be applied to suit any situation. Nowhere in any of my posts did I suggest that they were to be taken as gospel! As you will note, I have included stats in here that counter my posts, hey.....why would I do that?

Whether that satisfies some members desire for statistics is another matter but as I said before, the information is there, you just have to look ;)

You stated that iPhone users were not as savvy as Android users and said that statistics back that up. I'm sorry, but any time you claim that statistics back up everything you ought to be able to furnish those statistics.

Telling other people to find the stats for you is a logical fallacy. You're setting up an argument that cannot be disproven. I can say "Everyone believes the Flying Spaghetti monster is real. Statistics prove this." When you ask for the statistics I'm referencing I tell you they're there and you just need to find them. Thus, I've set up an unassailable position. I cannot be proven wrong. If you do find the statistics then you prove my point. If you can't it means that you're unable to find the statistics, but I'm still right. Don't say that statistics back up your point when they don't exist at all.
For those that were interested in the OP's claims
Hence the reason why I was against posting these statistics in the first place and suggested going and finding them for yourselves.
This explains nothing about why you were so hesitant to get statistics before. In fact it makes it look like you only just discovered them because there is absolutely no reason I can think of that explains why if they were so easy to find you would not just post them.

The fact that they were there and you knew where they was is why you should have provided them, as A.nonymous said, how is he supposed to prove they don't exist. If you make a claim you should back it up.

Statistics are just numbers that can be applied to suit any situation. Nowhere in any of my posts did I suggest that they were to be taken as gospel! As you will note, I have included stats in here that counter my posts, hey.....why would I do that?

Whether that satisfies some members desire for statistics is another matter but as I said before, the information is there, you just have to look ;)

Statistics can be interpreted wrongly, taken out of context or even falsified, none of this means that there are not good ways of using statistics that can provide backup for your claim. Without non-anecdotal evidence (statistical or otherwise) your claims are meaningless.

We've all been guilty of giving anecdotal evidence as if it was proper evidence once in a while, however the fact that you seem to think that well applied statistics are no better than anecdotes makes you look like an idiot.
I give up.....I'll leave this thread to the self righteous among you who think the world owes you something and get on with having a life.......I would suggets those who appear to want to make this a personal attack do the same.......

In other words "GET A FRAKKIN LIFE!"

Oh and you can "QUOTE" me on that.....
If the iPhone is any car, it's a PT Cruiser. It's cool to some people and pretty polished, but there's not much going on there besides looks.

The person who buys it thinks it's super bad ass. They are also perfectly happy spending a ton of money on accessories.

Some people look on those with a PT Cruiser with envy, but most just don't see the point and would rather have something either more functional or with some real power under the hood.

pt cruisers are horrible things, over priced and really old fashioned now. yank junk (i'm a limey) how on gods green planet do you compare an iphone to a pt cruiser? a pt cruiser has got a fat arse, long nose and trashy plastic dashboards, i phone is pretty thin and monolith shaped, you got to do better than that son, shocking really...:confused:
I give up.....I'll leave this thread to the self righteous among you who think the world owes you something and get on with having a life.......I would suggets those who appear to want to make this a personal attack do the same.......

In other words "GET A FRAKKIN LIFE!"

Oh and you can "QUOTE" me on that.....

I don't see where anyone made any personal attacks against you. Please quote where this happened. You said that something was true and said that statistics backed it up. People asked for those statistics. If I told you that statistics showed businesses were adopting Android would you not expect that I could link you to those statistics?
Guys.... one more point why Android would beat iPhone....
Fanboys are locked into the four walls the Apple has provided them.... you can't much customize ur iPhone... But Android is the best in customization to any extend... :)

iphones don't need customising, the whole brief of the phone was it looked like that, more of a piece of art for the people.
you don't buy an exspensive tv then start hacking it about cos you want a picture of a wolf howling at the moon on startup(Really not my thing) with the latest RnB tune blairing out everytime you changed channle...
not only that being an iphone owner is a bit like elitism, now your all laughing now i'm sure, but if i came to your house knocked on the door and said i got a iphone4, wanna swap for your andriod phone? just how many would say yes, truthfuly? those that say no are kidding themselfs.
I give up.....I'll leave this thread to the self righteous among you who think the world owes you something and get on with having a life.......I would suggets those who appear to want to make this a personal attack do the same.......

No one is attacking you. You made a conjecture and assumed it as fact with no statistical evidence to prove it. People are just asking for proof.
I give up.....I'll leave this thread to the self righteous among you who think the world owes you something and get on with having a life.......I would suggets those who appear to want to make this a personal attack do the same.......

In other words "GET A FRAKKIN LIFE!"

Oh and you can "QUOTE" me on that.....

Let me summerise:
You came in here, started calling people who were using valid and reasonable arguments "fanbois" and trolls. Then made some claims which you refused to back up. When people called you on that you still refused and argued that everyone else should go find them.

Then later you came back in with statistics which you pretended to have had all along (which STILL didn't actually show what you claimed) then bizarely claimed that statistics are meaningless. When people called you on it (and I will confess I said it made you seem like an idiot which was perhaps uncalled for but nevertheless it doesn't entitle you to use the "personal attack" line when you are throwing round insults yourself) you threw a hissy fit.

Sounds to me like you think the world owes you something. You seem to think others should just accept you are right without any evidence, and that you should be immune from all criticism.

iphones don't need customising, the whole brief of the phone was it looked like that, more of a piece of art for the people.
you don't buy an exspensive tv then start hacking it about cos you want a picture of a wolf howling at the moon on startup(Really not my thing) with the latest RnB tune blairing out everytime you changed channle...
not only that being an iphone owner is a bit like elitism, now your all laughing now i'm sure, but if i came to your house knocked on the door and said i got a iphone4, wanna swap for your andriod phone? just how many would say yes, truthfuly? those that say no are kidding themselfs.

I wouldnt swap. Why? Cuz I got introduced to decent Android phones. (I got the Droid and Droid X) If u wanted to just give it to me....thats another story...lol

Now if u woulda asked this when I had my Omnia 1, a WinMo phone, I might have gave u some money as a thank u ...I wanted an iPhone for the past 2 years. Until I got the Droid.

Let me summerise:
You came in here, started calling people who were using valid and reasonable arguments "fanbois" and trolls.

This is what made me start thanking all those valid and reasonable posts. As stated before, I dont want an iPhone now, and I dont like Apple too much right now.

But to call someone an iPhone, Apple fanboy, troll that had this in their reply:
Android succeeds because it is a quality product. It's a responsive OS, it runs on multiple hardware platforms and it delivers what consumer's want.

U rarely see that. Most fanboys would just mention "mutiple hardware" (and multiple carriers) and call it a day. I saw no fanboyish posts from this guy, mrspeedmaster and whoever else had valid points that seems to go against the topic.

I cant speak for other threads, but I didnt see it in here. So dont take me agreeing with some iPhone, Apple users as being a troll or fanboy. I agree with whats makes sense, whats logical.
but if i came to your house knocked on the door and said i got a iphone4, wanna swap for your andriod phone? just how many would say yes, truthfuly? those that say no are kidding themselfs.

You could offer me 4 iPhone 4s and i would say no, ill keep my desire because it works fantastically for what i want and the iPhone will not (bar the boring OS and silly hardware design) and you can keep your fanboism and elitism thank you.
I'm surprised this thread has lasted as long as it has without being shut down.

Get the phone that suits you the best, have a blast with it, go on forums and learn all you want about it, and go on with life.

iphones don't need customising, the whole brief of the phone was it looked like that, more of a piece of art for the people.
you don't buy an exspensive tv then start hacking it about cos you want a picture of a wolf howling at the moon on startup(Really not my thing) with the latest RnB tune blairing out everytime you changed channle...
not only that being an iphone owner is a bit like elitism, now your all laughing now i'm sure, but if i came to your house knocked on the door and said i got a iphone4, wanna swap for your andriod phone? just how many would say yes, truthfuly? those that say no are kidding themselfs.

I went the other direction, honestly (iPhone to Droid). But if someone came to exchange an iPhone4 for my Droid I WOULD do it. Then sell the iPhone4 on ebay and buy two more Droids with the proceeds. (or 1 Droid and a pocketful of cash).

The iPhone is an amazing brand, and a very nice, polished and structured device. If I did not have my Droid or a very very similar device I would be on an iPhone again without hesitation.

When you, and all the people you associate with or respect adopt a certain view (i.e. the iPhone 4 is the ultimate device, much better than any other device) it becomes difficult to see that any intelligent person could disagree.

My iPhone was an excellent device. My Droid was not as good out of the box (in my opinion). It is now much, much more functional than my iPhone ever was (provides functions that the iPhone could not, and features/attributes that are specifically tuned to my needs in a way the iPhone is unable to achieve).

Vbetts comment above is spot-on in my opinion. From a brand image standpoint iPhone is in the top position. The branding strategy of the iPhone thrills me, honestly. (marketing guy here) And Android will be suffering in some respects on a brand level due to exactly what Vbetts says above.

VBetts, have you experimented with the Dolphin browser or...hmmm...that other browser App? I find them more comparable to my browsing experience with the iPhone.


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