I need to tether my internet connection and need a constant IP address.
I have some code that pings my server just to check my IP address.
Using a Three SIM, the damn IP number changes EVERY 1-2 minutes!!
Why is this? What reason could they have for doing this?
I've tried Three and Smarty, who use their network. (This is in the UK.)
I'm not 100% sure... but I think Vodafone does the same?
Can someone confirm this?
I use O2. The connection is solid. The IP address can change - but normally, you are good for a few hours at least.
I have some code that pings my server just to check my IP address.
Using a Three SIM, the damn IP number changes EVERY 1-2 minutes!!
Why is this? What reason could they have for doing this?
I've tried Three and Smarty, who use their network. (This is in the UK.)
I'm not 100% sure... but I think Vodafone does the same?
Can someone confirm this?
I use O2. The connection is solid. The IP address can change - but normally, you are good for a few hours at least.