Kamau, you are pretty confused about a number of things.
Most developed countries... have internet networks that are far superior to ours, and therefore have much better phones.
You seem to be mashing up land-line, last-mile Internet access infrastructure with wireless handset technology. That's nonsense - the two are not directly related. (and you're wrong about the superiority of foreign land-line Internet connections, anyway.)
When it comes to the core Internet, the U.S. is far, far ahead of every other country. No matter which metric you pick - total available bandwidth, number and speed of interconnections, amount of traffic, number and bandwidth of international connections...the U.S. dominates. Insanely so. The U.S. has 65% more deployed IP addresses than China, the next closest country. The U.S. core Intranet infrastructure is currently the biggest/best/fastest simply because it has to be.
When it comes to last-mile, wired, average Internet connection speed, the U.S. is 9th in the world - that's a great showing. Only two countries - South Korea and Japan - have what can reasonably be called "far superior" networks to everyone else, but that's it, just two. Korea and Japan are both small, densely populated countries, so it's foolish to compare them to the U.S., China, Russia, Canada, Brazil and every other massive country with huge areas of low population density.
Again, none of this land-line Internet stuff has anything to do with wireless handset technology. I don't understand why'd you'd even try to make that connection.
Take a look at the phones in other developed countries, and compare them to ours.
So what you believe is that subscribers in other countries have the iPhone 7, the Samsung Galaxy S VI and the HTC One Z+ Super Extra while we're stuck with the lame, hum drum iPhone 5, Galaxy S III and HTC One X? The phones available in the U.S. are just as advanced as those available anywhere else because they are the exact same GSM and CDMA phones. What exactly can these magical, foreign-availability-only phones do that phones available in the U.S. can not? Transform into a yellow Camaro?
We are just getting into 4g, where it has been the norm for years overseas.
That's just incorrect. Before LTE became operational in the U.S., there were operational LTE networks in Hong Kong, Japan and
some countries in Europe and that's it. (OK,
and Uzbekistan - we don't want to leave out Uzbekistan.) That is not even remotely close to being "the norm".