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Why is Zuckerberg playing the race game?

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I was searching on the internet and I came across a sad article about how facebook wants to start employing "minorities" and "women" and I immediately started to lose even more respect for ****erberg and the company he stole from the real creators.

Why are all these ass holes playing the race game and making it about race and gender?

I don't like facebook even more now.

Why can't people be hired on their intelligence and performance?

I now hate ****erberg and facebook even more now than I did before.

Why has this shit not been made illegal yet?
So.. you're a multinational company, wanting to provide services, and attract a wide a range of customers as possible.

Would you want a workforce, able to recognise what those people want?

would you want people there, who would be able to recognise what is needed to serve the needs of the South African market?or a workforce based exclusively in belgium who have never been there in their lives?

If you are trying to grow the food sector, would you want people who are passionate about food? and not just cheeseburgers, maybe different cuisines from around the world?

Would you want people who like different types of music ? or would your music business your business based on people who only like belgian jazz.

Do you want to attract young people, based on what a company made up of only old people think they want? or ignore what old people want because all of your decision makers are millenials?

Here's a picture of Brian. Brian got good marks from his college, and has good marks for your "intelligence and performance" would you want a company where 100 Brians were the entire workforce?


No! you want a diverse workforce, for the reasons above... and thats before we even talk about race or gender.

If your company is (deliberately or inadvertently) isn't bringing in people from those categories, then it is losing out big time.

Not only that, its missing out by leaving a large amount of untapped talent on the table.

I really don't get why this is so hard to understand!
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Well if he is only choosing minorities then I I not being "diverse" at all (like like you say) and his only target is now a very small portion of the population.

It's really an an a bad move for the company to selectively choose people from a very small section section the population.

It's wrong to choose people based on their colour.

And the minorities minorities that have been b chosen have more than likely lost their culture roots or background chances are high.

If it was on anothe continent then I for sur choose the correct demograph for the area but don't go choose the only Eskimo in the entire state

He is not avery smart man.

Sorry typing this from the phone someti it duplica occasionally or comes with with bit cryptic.

Strange but it does happen with this keyboard not sure why though
Hmm but but you make some very good points though actually :)
Hmm yes you actually make some very good points now that I think about it :)

Sorry man I am just very sensitive though to being racially discriminated against.

I used to get turned down just for being white (but now I am in indespinsible) and I can't st it when I see racism of any kind.

But maybe my view is horrible skewed from the abuse of have had to put up with.

You make some very good points though :)

Sorry - I am just very sensitive to any racial prejuduce and abuse from what I have suffered from myself.

I have been told many times I am wrong the colour but now the tables have turned dramatically.

I hate racism. And I hate racist people can't stand them. Hopefully you will understand but from what I see from your charcater I think you will :)

Thanks for the very interesting information my friend :)

It is one of the most disgusting and disturbing crimes to be rejected on the base of the colour of your skin.

Sorry mate just a bit tad sensitive to hiring people based on the colour of thier skin.
No, just being pragmatic - would you pass up a well qualified candidate for a lesser qualified one just to satisfy some prejudice (That's what any form of selection based on criteria other than those required for the post in question surely is).
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