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Why the price of Spectral Souls is completely fair

without a trial version of this, I highly doubt many will be dropping 15$ on it. regardless of android markets ability to refund purchase within 24 hours.

I wont argue that. I think that a trial version would make a huge difference. I also wont argue that this game really only appeals to a niche market to begin with.

My argument was more that the price point of this game is understandable given the context of other titles in it's class (titles of similarly strong depth and complexity). Titles in this class are only now making their way onto the android market, and Im betting that in time, many such complex games spanning multiple genres will become available at a similar price point.

I'd venture a guess that once the market for such complex titles on Android is more clearly defined, we may see a slight price drop in this ($9.99 seems to be a common price for similarly complex titles on the ITunes App Store). But in light of the fact that such in-depth titles are currently a rarity on the Android Market, it stands to reason that the developer would want to protect themselves against the possibility that Android users might not be interested in a "sit down" type game by charging a bit more. They can do this because they know that as a niche game, Spectral Souls does come with an (albeit limited) built in fan base, and that by going with $15, they can recover a bit more of their development costs when selling to these people. Despite what some may think, selling the game at a $5 price point does not automatically ensure that they will move much more product volume. Meanwhile, in making such a price cut, they know that they would need to sell TRIPLE the product just to make the same amount of revenue. Also please note that one cannot accurately compare this to data on currently selling "game on the go" style titles like Robo Defense, as they differ both in genre and in style of play (story heavy "sit down" games vs. storyless or story-lite "on the go" games). It's apples and oranges, and the SS marketing people know it.

In summary, Experimental Market + Significant Development Costs for a larger scale title = Current price point. Also, please note that when I refer to titles "in this class", I am not referring to quality of Spectral Souls, but rather, to the scale of its development and the depth of the content.
I think some of you guys have to take into account the genre that this game is part of. There are quite a few strategy RPG fans out there, but to the extent of FPS or MMO, not so much.

It is a port of Japanese JPRG that i bet, even with a descent story, gameplay, etc. would not be a super seller. A lot of things that NiS or Atlus bring over are not million sellers. This could account for a higher price tag as well.

Like most have said, the production value of this game is extremely high, even if it is a port. From what i have seen the developer has taken a broken game and fixed it up to run like it should have from the beginning. Granted people are still not looking at their phones as a gaming platform but technology is allowing that to happen and more and more people now-a-days want a all-in-one device.

I would put money that if people didn't bring this up as being a PS2/PSP port that many people would not even know about it without googling it. This is no Call of Duty type selling game!

Hopefully the dev releases a demo version for those on the fence so they can make their own call but i can tell you, this game is worth the asking price and more. The gameplay, graphics and ability to work with different factions is a nice change of pace from other RPG/SRPG games.
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