Android Enthusiast
I have both of these phones, here is my review.
1.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Seven home screens instead of three.
2.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Better designed widgets
3.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Brighter more vibrant screen
4.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Smaller form factor
5.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Better Battery Life
6.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Dedicated call/end call buttons
7.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Better Camera
8.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Multi Touch
9.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Eye Candy
10.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Brighter LED Indicator Light
11.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Standard USB Plugs
12.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Better Keyboard
Some people may claim the higher resolution makes the DROID way better, I can tell you that it doesn
1.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Seven home screens instead of three.
2.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Better designed widgets
3.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Brighter more vibrant screen
4.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Smaller form factor
5.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Better Battery Life
6.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Dedicated call/end call buttons
7.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Better Camera
8.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Multi Touch
9.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Eye Candy
10.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Brighter LED Indicator Light
11.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Standard USB Plugs
12.)[FONT="] [/FONT]Better Keyboard
Some people may claim the higher resolution makes the DROID way better, I can tell you that it doesn