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Wifi at home usually a bust (elsewhere ok)


Posting in this general forum as there's no forum for my specific (Canadian) Samsung Galaxy 550 phone. I only connect on Wifi @ home with great difficulty & lots of fiddling around while elsewhere at internet cafes etc. it's all fine. I'm in an apartment & Wifi Analyzer often tells me there are a lot of wifi signals reaching the phone, sometimes crowding my channel. I'm set for the optimum channel avail.

I never had difficulties connecting to my home wifi on a different device, just this Samsung phone. I have no data plan & wifi's my only connection so the lack of reliable connection @ home is a big pain.

PS from time to time my home PC has given msgs about conflict there being an IP address conflict from another device, but that's only once in a while. I've tried stopping network connection on the PC, turning off my home entertainment unit, radio & any other devices I can control, usually to no avail. The wifi connects succesfully sometimes but keeps losing it and with certain more sensitive apps I just can't download things.
Welcome to the forums!

Try powering down your home wifi router for a few minutes.

Sometimes, things can get tangled trying to manage on a crowded spectrum, and a power-off for a little bit to clear memory can really help.

Failing that - try setting your phone (under wireless settings - look for a menu option for this) to a static IP address. Choose a high value, like (and I'm assuming the common subnet address of 192.168.0 - but that's not sacred and yours may be different).
I had that issue with my Galaxy Tab until I disallowed the system from keeping/remembering old assigned IP addresses from the dynamic network.

rm /data/misc/dhcp/dhcp_list

I created a script with Scripter so I don't have to go in and redo it with every boot up.
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