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Sep 30, 2013
Is the very limited WiFi range of the Galaxy Tab 3 7 due to Samsung design or a factor of the Android operating system? Is this 'normal' for tablets or is Samsung especially limited?
(All my other devices eg pc have a much better range off the same WiFi though I would expect a laptop to perform better)
Thanks Ron
I've found pretty much all my portable devices have poorer WiFi performance than that of my laptops. Not sure if it's an Android thing, more than likely a phone/tab thing in general.

Never had much experience with Samsung devices though, so can't comment there.

I've moved your post to the Tab 3 forum, folks who own it will be in the best position to answer. :)
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My Tab 3 working stupendous on WiFi. I am connected this way:

With one main router RouterBoard no WiFi connected to my PC and one router Linksys WiFi connected to that main router, and the Wi Fi with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 works just fine, with a 50 meters around coverage.

I don`t need to have the PC on.

IMHO all depends of your Internet service and how it is set up with router or routers.
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I just bought a Tab 3 7.0. And I have had a Galaxy Player 5.0 for 2 years. The wifi strength icon, I think, isn't very accurate on either one. With both devices, it will look like I have almost no signal in my office (router is in living room) and out on the back deck it barely shows any signal at all. BUT I still have good connection speed...pretty close to the same as having a full indicator. By that, I mean downloads, updates, youtube, etc., all run fine anywhere around my house...regardless of what the signal strength icon says.

In other words, don't put too much faith in the signal strength indicator. It seems to be giving inaccurate info.

Another thing to remember is that a WiFi G signal will travel further than a WiFi N will. That's because of the carrier frequencies.

At least that's my take on this issue.
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I just bought a Tab 3 7.0. And I have had a Galaxy Player 5.0 for 2 years. The wifi strength icon, I think, isn't very accurate on either one. With both devices, it will look like I have almost no signal in my office (router is in living room) and out on the back deck it barely shows any signal at all. BUT I still have good connection speed...pretty close to the same as having a full indicator. By that, I mean downloads, updates, youtube, etc., all run fine anywhere around my house...regardless of what the signal strength icon says.

In other words, don't put too much faith in the signal strength indicator. It seems to be giving inaccurate info.

Another thing to remember is that a WiFi G signal will travel further than a WiFi N will. That's because of the carrier frequencies.

At least that's my take on this issue.
hey sideman, I remember you from the now almost dead galaxy player forum. Looks like we have both moved on now from the sgp. I chose to go with the sgt 3 8.0 however.
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Hey Brosko, nice to see you're still around. Yeh, been busy with life in other areas.

But my wife thought since the SGP5 was a constant companion I might be devastated if it died. Which I would, so she bought me a new Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 for an early Christmas present. And I'm thrilled with it. It's kinda like meeting the SGP's bigger brother. LOL!

The 8.0 was a little rich for our blood at present. But I'd sure liked to have been able to get it. Sounds like a hell of a machine.

Enjoy it in good health, my friend.
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