Using the evo for your home internet isn't practical
Tapatalk. Samsung Moment. Yep.
says who??? you? so be it, continue to pay for internet at home when PDANet and easytether have free versions that work just fine for others.
o.p. - I have a moto droid, and I tether for free, get inet for free.... in fact, I'm tethered right now on my lappy. I have no home internet service.
I can.....
watch streaming videos
pay bills online
check email
TAKE MY INTERNET WITH ME instead of leaving it at home (just like my phone when I made the decision to stop paying for a home phone when I can take a cell phone with me.
download music
I do not have the ability to pay for tethering (like Blackberries do) so I can't. I don't know how sprint handles that with the EVO. Ask them. Ask, "Is there a tethering fee like with the blackberry?" If they say no, download easytether (my fav) or PDANet and go to it.
now watch out.... in about 5 posts, people are going to start throwing scare tactics at you like
"you can get hit with an $18K cell phone bill"
"you'll be dropped by your service provider for violation of TOS and be forced to pay early term fees"
(both of which, have never happened to Android phone users for tethering)
and when that fails, the tried and true
"you're ruining it for others.... thanks"