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Help Wipe internal memory?


Android Enthusiast
Jul 25, 2010
Issaquah, WA
So I'm having a few minor issues after the ICS upgrade and I'm thinking of doing a factory reset and cleaning out my internal memory. Would there be any reason why I wouldn't select all and delete what's there, and then add back what I want from a back-up? I consider myself an advanced user, but I just want to make sure I'm not going to wipe out something that the system has written, or that should always be there on the phone.


im not sure but i have seen somewhere that wipe all will even erase your sd card.. though i could be wrong.

i would pull the sd card, and do a factory data reset. it helps clear out everything so that your phone will operate at its top level

I believe you can make it erase the SD card, but you have to check that box to select an option. You definitely could pull the SD card to be safe.

To the OP: you won't erase anything that the phone needs, but unless you're selling the phone or ran out of space on the 8GB internal memory drive (/mnt/sdcard) there really isn't any reason to wipe that. There are no system files and few app files there that can cause any bugs.
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It's weird because I ran the update week before last, before it was publicaly available and I did a factory reset on the phone from the recovery menu. It wiped my settings but left all of my files in memory and on the SD card. I figured I would do another factory reset and wipe the memory, but I just want to make sure I don't wipe something vital from memory...
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