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World of Warcraft on Dream G1 - possible?

First post on the site is a bit of a stretch but something that occured to me when I thought about the phone.

The G1 has a full keyboad, a touchscreen and a trackball. Seems like everything you would need to play WoW! Provided you could run the game in some really toned down graphic mode and probably on Wi-Fi.

I've played WoW on Ubuntu and Android is based on Linux, so why not? Someone would *just* have to figure out how to seriously tone down the graphics.

Anybody else dreaming with me on this (or maybe a MMORPG made for Android)?
An MMO would be cool. But based on how most social apps on the G1 are going there would 3-4 people on at a time "lookin 4 chix" :p
Considering that WoW is designed to run on x86 based machines and the G1 runs ARM which would require not only a port of the OS (Windows to Linux) but also a port of the instruction set of the game (x86 to ARM which is much slower but uses less power) I see this as being highly unlikely. Cool, but unlikely. It'd be more probably to see something like eve ported but even then the graphical processing capabilities of the G1 dont even come close to that of an integrated chip on a modern desktop...let alone CPU power
To add to argosreality's message, you would also have to remodel/render all of the models on the game. WoW will only run at 15 - 30 FPS on a 128 MB PCI video card, and thats with dedicated video memory. The G1 has barely more than that to run android and applications, let alone video.
Not to mention the 11GB or so of data you'd need to store on your microSD card, assuming it was still compressed.

For what it's worth, my sister only had 512MB of RAM on her laptop, and the game constantly lagged because it was using her harddrive's swap file for video RAM (her card only had shared memory, not dedicated). The G1 only has 192MB of RAM.. for the whole system, and no video RAM. Also, 528mhz ARM processor probably wouldn't be fast enough.

Finally, if you're switching cell towers you may get disconnected while playing. If you're playing on 2G instead of 3G (which by the way, not many areas have *strong* 3G with T-Mobile, so 2G ends up being the norm most of the time with them) and receive a phonecall, you get disconnected. Phonecalls and 2G share the same connection, and phonecalls have priority. Whoops.

Then of course the battery life. Doing full 3d rendering with sound, music, etc and constant network activity? That'll eat the battery in no time. So you'll want to stay plugged in. But guess what? If you're plugged in, you're not mobile. And that finally defeats the purpose of having WoW on a phone.

Not necessarily a bad idea, but with current hardware it's not viable.
Not necessarily a bad idea, but with current hardware it's not viable.

LOL it's IMPOSSIBLE to run WOW on Android because it requires DIRECTX to run and they r not implemented on Android. The apps on Android Runs with JAVA VM and it sucks for 3D apps. It's a big limit for Android.
WOW is not compiled for arm processor and cannot run on it untill u got the source code. Why don't ask to Blizzard for it?
Since these phones can stream live TV (on the right network at least), could you find a way to remotely play WOW on your home computer over your phone. The video feed would just be that (no DirectX or 3D rendering) and the only thing you'd need to send back over the connection would be your scroll ball and screen touch information.

Because your home computer would be doing the heavy lifting the phone should be fine to run this remote play system.

The requirement for this system would be that you have to not only have an app on your phone but also software on your PC at home to allow the remote access.

Since these phones can stream live TV (on the right network at least), could you find a way to remotely play WOW on your home computer over your phone.

What you mean is called VNC and this should be available.

I don't think, that it is possible to run WoW on Android, even, if you rewrite the program and reduce the needed resources. You will reduce everything as much, so it isn't playable any more.

But I think, it's only a matter of time, until somethig like WoW is available for a mobile device.
I think you're missing the main idea. The concept is to REMOTELY control the game which is running on your PC at home.

Similar to Remote Play - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Remote Play works by encoding a live video stream of the output image on a PlayStation 3, then delivering it over a wireless network connection to a PlayStation Portable. Actions performed on the PSP such as the pressing of buttons are uploaded back to the PlayStation 3 over the same connection. This is similar in concept to the Slingbox. The audio may also be sent to and played by the PSP, or instead delivered through the normal Playstation 3 audio connections, thus allowing the PSP to be used as a remote control for a Playstation 3 acting as a media player."

If you can get a video feed from your PC onto your phone and if you can send back control info from your phone back to your PC, you should be able to control the game via your smart phone.

You won't really be running WoW (or any other game) ON your phone (the processor and video memory is too simple for that), but you can remotely control the game which is running on your PC... or SHOULD be able to do this.

Now... we just need someone to write the app! :)

Any takers???
Play wow on g1 is not normally possible BUT ...if u download PhoneMyPc u can play it ...but I have that app but I cant move in wow with that app I can only jump and attack =( so Im finding some special app for playing wow via PC (and via 3g or wifi) and u can play wow on mobile
I would like to have an app that will only allow my character to:
go from Mail Box in Oggrimar to AH (automaticly - I don't really need to see what's going on near the bank)
Open AH and normally use it (as simple 2D window)
Go back to Mail Box (to get money/items) and back to AH and resell it :) Going to blacksmith also would be nice (smelting) but it's too far away to do thinh that will walk there by itself.
I think you're missing the main idea. The concept is to REMOTELY control the game which is running on your PC at home.

He was not "missing the main idea". I have VNC and have connected to my pc, launched WOW, and went in game. The frame rate was to low to really play, but I could move and type to my guild in game. It would be nice if you researched what he meant when he said "VNC" before telling him he was wrong...

@ darkLuke , this is possible with VNC, but it's pretty slow (and you can't just "automatically" go to the bank or AH, you have to walk there, which is painful at the FPS that VNC gives...) Think less than 1 frame per second..lol, but it works...
But you can also record your movements, and just play them back on your PC via a keylogger, there are free stuff downloadable! With VNC you only run the selected batches of movement, so the frame rate doesn't matter. If that is worth it for you to get to the bank, and back :) But you will be able to do any routine stuff, except if you want an NPC who is moving, than you might not find it, where it was when you recorded your movements.
It could be possible with VNC, you could install VNC on your computer, launch WOW there and use your phone as a remote control (you can see what happens on the screen too), some people do this. But you will get low FPS rate ofcouse, very low.
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