I will explain it the best I can. I am on disability, have been since 2008. My monthly benefit amount gets an automatic deduction of $110 for Medicare. I then have to purchase supplemental which costs me another $90. The confusing part is when I get my bills from Humana, they have what's called a Medicare Deduction. This is usually pretty large, about %80 of the bill. Then Humana pays, and I am responsible for the rest. Usually a small amount. Keep in mind, that once all the deductions are taken, I get just over $900 each month.
Not sure how it really works, but I suspect that each hospital gets a set payment or payments from Medicare and that is what they get paid. They might have several people use their services and the hospital wont make anything off of the treatment, but if they don't treat as many, then they will profit from Medicare. This is where I think the deduction to Humana comes from, the money set aside from Medicare. The excess is profit, or as many call it, waste.
The Romney/Ryan Plan would give each person on Medicare a voucher worth X amount of dollars and then they can buy insurance from whoever they want, basically removing the governments payments to the hospitals. Not really sure what the Dems are planing, I have heard they want to take $700 Billion from Medicare in the next several years and use that for Obamacare. Not sure where that $700 Billion is coming from, removing waste or a decrease in services, I have no idea. I plan on researching this as well because I try to stay informed best I can.
Not sure how accurate the last few paragraphs were, this is my understanding how things work. All I do know is things would not be in such a mess if both sides of the isle would keep their dirty rotten filthy hands off the money deducted from our paychecks all these years. Me and my employers have paid over $150,000 into Social Security and it burns my butt when they call it an entitlement. I view an entitlement as me wanting something from the government that I haven't paid for. That's not the case.