Android Enthusiast
I'm just browsing the market on my phone and every few games down there are utterly shite apps from a developer called "Aroma planning" which are pictures of women which you are supposed to touch.
I'd love a feature where you could block every app from that developer but I wouldn't know how or who to contact to ask if it could be implimented.
As far as I know, the Market isn't a part of the open source components in Android and is Google's property but does anyone know if there is a contact email address for the android market developers so I could ask if such a feature could be added?
If I see another miniskirt touch game by that arsehole I'll probably end up snapping my nexus one in rage.
Edit: Doh, the feature requests forum is here: Feature Requests / Suggestions - Android Market Help
I answered my own question...
I'd love a feature where you could block every app from that developer but I wouldn't know how or who to contact to ask if it could be implimented.
As far as I know, the Market isn't a part of the open source components in Android and is Google's property but does anyone know if there is a contact email address for the android market developers so I could ask if such a feature could be added?
If I see another miniskirt touch game by that arsehole I'll probably end up snapping my nexus one in rage.
Edit: Doh, the feature requests forum is here: Feature Requests / Suggestions - Android Market Help
I answered my own question...