@Hadron said.
Also, I would like to add that if you are trying to save space, Brave is probably not going to help very much.
One of the issues with this is that Brave, FireFox, and other browsers like them have their own Webview as part of the app.
Unfortunately, this adds considerably to the size of the app.
One great way around this is to use a browser that is simply a wrapper for the Android System Webview app that is already installed on every Android device.
Another benefit to doing this is speed.
Your online experience will be greatly accelerated.
Most likely the best browser for the job is Lightning Browser.
It is so good, in fact, that there are various copycat versions of this app floating around.
Currently I use a version that has been included in a downloader app, called IDM+.
The majority of these are legit, by the way, because Lightning- unlike Brave and Firefox- is a FOSS app.
Excellent security, blazing speed, small in size, unlimited tabs and unlimited bookmarks- all in a simple, intuitive browser.
I have nothing to gain from it, I just believe that it really is that good.
Some legit variants: