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Wyoming converts to Android


May 24, 2011
Wyoming state government goes with Google's cloud - Yahoo! News

Wyoming has become the first state to completely adopt Google Apps, Governor Matt Mead Announced this morning. All 10,000 state employees are now completely dependent on Google Apps. According to the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Governor Mead says the switch “Will provide us the opportunity to do our job better because now we have a better tool. For Wyoming, it’s a big deal, and for Google, it’s a big deal.”
But now that an entire state’s government will use its platform, Google can start making a better case to be taken seriously on the federal level
Goodbye RIM. This is awesome because Android is truly the best phone platform, and this blows away the BB "enterprise" trash that keeps people on bad phones. Also, maybe our elected officials can use Android, an AMERICAN company, instead of RIM, a Canadian one, and help to keep jobs in America.
Are we reading the same article? The bigger news is that they switched to google apps as a whole, and that the state is now relying on google cloud services for its document management and content . That is HUGE news. Android is only a part of that implementation.

BTW, android is neither an american company, nor solely developed in the US. It is and Operating system developed by google in conjunction with contributors from all over the world (the least of which are those who contribute to the linux kernel that google uses). To my knowledge, non of the hardware used to run android is currently built in the US. I'm all for keeping jobs in the US, don't get me wrong, but outside of the software development jobs at google and the rest of the open handset alliance, there really isn't much more to be gained in terms of american employment... Unless you count those working for google's advertising arm that is.
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Are we reading the same article? The bigger news is that they switched to google apps as a whole, and that the state is now relying on google cloud services for its document management and content . That is HUGE news. Android is only a part of that implementation.

BTW, android is neither an american company, nor solely developed in the US. It is and Operating system developed by google in conjunction with contributors from all over the world (the least of which are those who contribute to the linux kernel that google uses). To my knowledge, non of the hardware used to run android is currently built in the US. I'm all for keeping jobs in the US, don't get me wrong, but outside of the software development jobs at google and the rest of the open handset alliance, there really isn't much more to be gained in terms of american employment... Unless you count those working for google's advertising arm that is.
yes but Google is an American company, and while you're right, Google does more for American jobs than does Research in Motion. I do think its important that at least a phone with American control, not Canadian control, be used by those we elect to help create jobs. Its not like BBs are better than Androids or Apple whereas Benzes are truly better than Caddies.
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