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I think that's against the law, at lleast in the USA.
yup at least in Alabama, one person in the conversation has to know that it is being recorded. In your case none of the persons in said conversation will know making it illegal, it would work if you were trying to record you talking to your daughter, then it might be legal (depending on state laws) but if you were trying to record what your daughter was saying to someone else then it would be very illegal, as long as she didn't know, and would be kinda weird.
Asking people on a public forum to advise you on how to break Federal law is probably not a good idea.
I understand your concern, but if you try to listen to her conversations without her knowing it all it is going to do is make the relationship between you and her worse. (don't know the status of the relationship currently) but if you break her privacy, for her own safety or not that will completely ruin her trusting you with anything. not trying to give parenting advise (i'm only 21) but i know how i would feel if my parents tried to do that with me whenever I was a teenager. I don't really have a better option for you to handle this, i just know that sneaking into her conversation without her knowing it isn't the right way to handle this.
I use an app called vRecorder. It automatically records all calls (when you change the settings to do so). But it only records sounds coming from the microphone, so hearing the other caller can be tough.

And yes, just letting you know this is illegal, whether or not it's your daughter, and whether or not it's YOUR phone. If she is talking on it, at least one person needs to be notified that the call is being recorded, sometimes both parties, depending on what state you are in. If you were to try to use any of these recordings in court, or play them for a police officer, you will likely be arrested for violating this law, no matter what the conversation was about.

I don't want to take it away as she's a good kid at heart but just gets mixed in with the wrong crowds. All I need to know is what is being said between her & her friends, because I'm tired of the rumors.

Not trying to tell you how to be a parent, but maybe you should just take the phone away from her. If she is getting mixed with the wrong crowds, maybe you should have a meeting with your daugher, these people, and her school. Sit down and talk to them and hear what's going on face-to-face, and not ILLEGALLY sneak behind her back to record her calls.
If your truly concern about your child it's best you communicate to her face to face.Sit down once a week and ask her is their anything she would like to talk about or something bothering her,have a mother to daughter time at the movies or get ice cream, yogurt together once in awhile and just talk as for the phone you can always take it away as punishment for a couple days no need to try and listen into someone else conversation if your having issues now thats just going add fuel to fire.TRUST goes both ways.
I think that's against the law, at lleast in the USA.

It actually depends on the state. For instance, in California it's illegal to record a call without the other party's consent, but in some other states it's not. You would be wise to check your state's laws concerning this first.
It actually depends on the state. For instance, in California it's illegal to record a call without the other party's consent, but in some other states it's not. You would be wise to check your state's laws concerning this first.
I believe Federal law says that ONE party to the call has to be aware of it, though. In this case, neither party would be, so it's more like wiretapping than like recording one's own calls.

P.S. Not that our government seems to worry about that, but it doesn't seem like national security can be invoked here. ;)
I need to record all phone calls automatically...and have it do it silently.

Does there exist an app that can do this?

I've got netnanny on our PC but need to know what my daughter is talking about on her phone.

Thanks for any helpful replies.
It's usually illegal to do UNLESS you notify the caller on the other side that they're being recorded.
Hi Anne,

I am so sorry for the difficulties you are confronted with right now...

I believe being a parent / guardian / mother / father is most probably one of the most lovlely, important and at the same time challanging roles than any other I could ever dream of.

I have searched high and low and came up with this:

Telephone recording laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I very recently lost a friend due to serious drug addiction... he was a great friend... he was like a brother to me, but he mixed with the wrong people.

I understand your concern and sometimes the law is not perfect, and definetly not God either...

Regardless of the legal status, I will give you the information you desire.

PM me for my email address. I will help you.

I might not understand what you are going through but that's not important.
I also have a recommendation for you, try to get him / her to counselling, this can do wonders.

Stay strong Anne


Anne I know you won't like my reply either, but let me add it just for something else to think about.

You have three basic choices for this situation:

1. Record the conversations
2. Trust your daughter
3. Take back your phone

I would highly recommend 2. or 3. over 1.
I have seen apps available for this on the market but I will not disclose any links. That is up to you to find.

1. Yes, it is illegal even if it is your daugther.
2. You invading her privacy will only make matters worse if she finds out what you are doing.

Good luck, hope everything works out well.
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