Knowing Verizon, I would imagine that there is some sort of "check" or "audit" that can be performed with Verizon's system that will catch accounts that did what was explained in the article above. The customer would then be reverted back to the cap (2GB or whatever level they chose) and couldn't do anything about it, since they signed a contract indicating that they were on tiered data.
The only reason that I say this is because I had Verizon before, had unlimited texting, swtiched back to a limited plan and for whatever reason, it didn't fully revert back to the limited plan (the price did, but the messages over 500 didn't get charged). 4 months later, I then got a bill for every message over 500 in a billing cycle. I paid the bill, after arguing with 5-6 reps on the customer service line, telling them that they had plenty of time to bill me for those old messages. I got tired of arguing with them, so I paid the $240 bucks they thought I owed them.
I would imagine they can do this with data as well.