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Youtube app is worse than ever!

So ever since the Nov 14 youtube app update things have gone really down hill for the app. Now I can't even play a video with the screen locked, nor can anyone else according to all the negative reviews. Not to mention how slow the load time is, and that it apparently doesn't cache or buffer very well.

So can anyone explain how Google, who owns youtube can't make a decent app for Android which is ALSO owned by Google. It's been almost a month and still no update to fix all the regressions.

I just don't get it. Google is so weird. It's like they don't even try sometimes.
I don't use You Tube a lot and found that it was taking up too much space on my Desire. I've deleted the app and set it up as a shortcut on Opera. Still only takes 2 taps to open it. Works fine.

That's a good idea. I might try that instead. I'm sick of Google's cr'apps. Funny how third party developers do a better job. But I'm having trouble. When I find the video I want and click on it, it just takes me to the youtube app automatically. Is there a way to watch it in the web browser?
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I checked on my Desire and although I thought I had uninstalled YouTube it is still listed as I think it is a built-in app. But once I cleared data and cache it shows as 0kb.
When I access it through Opera it goes to the mobile site m.youtube.com but when I click to play the video it looks like the app is playing it as I then get a few kbs of cache showing in the app. Not sure if there is a way to make it use the browser.
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