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You've Gotta Laugh


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
Over the past two weeks my wife has been complaining about her SGS2 in that every time she makes or receives a call, after taking it away from her ear, sometimes the screen does not come back on. The other day she used her phone to make a call to one of those numbers asking you to select different numerical options.

Talk about being frustrated! When I got home she laid into me saying her phone was a complete load of old rubbish, not fit for purpose and slung it at me.

After playing around with a few settings - I have the same phone and got her to check my screen display settings, to make sure they mirrored mine, I noticed something.......

Two weeks ago we were in Windsor and she bought herself a Girlie-Pink phone case (a clam-shell design) and the fastening strap was bent over the screen when she had it open - for example when she makes a call.

I asked her to answer a call from me so I could see what effect her screen was having during and after a call and lo and behold, right enough, the dangling strap was covering the proximity sensor!!! Well I howled for over a couple of minutes! Her response? "Well I didn't know!" the phone is now her pride and joy once more lololol!
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