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Help ZTE 9120 Avid ~ Auto-Rotate gone kaput

i had the same problem and found a workaround somewhere
it's not a permanent fix but it certainly makes the error happen a lot less frequently.

install the free app "Ultimate Rotation Control" and adjust the settings to your rotation needs. It will allow you to keep/hide a notification icon of the current enabled setting too.

If you come across a permanent fix please do tell!
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i had the same problem and found a workaround somewhere
it's not a permanent fix but it certainly makes the error happen a lot less frequently.

install the free app "Ultimate Rotation Control" and adjust the settings to your rotation needs. It will allow you to keep/hide a notification icon of the current enabled setting too.

If you come across a permanent fix please do tell!
Hi breno!!
Thank you for responding to my post.

It's funny -- I had thought that it was something I did (like, my phone has taken a couple of "soft" tumbles, here & there) that perhaps had knocked the "Auto-Rotate" out of whack, but coming to this forum, I have discovered it must be some kind of glitch, because so many other people were having the same trouble. I haven't yet had the courage of desperation to try any of the apps suggested :) I tend to be a little leery of apps in general, because I've heard (and occasionally experienced) that they're not always what they're cracked-up to be . . . so for now I'm just sort of dealing with it.

Ironically, I've noticed lately that whenever I have my ZTE tethered to my laptop (loading music, vids, etc. from the LT onto the phone), the "Auto-Rotate" works just fine and dandy. HHHUUUNNNHHH???!!!??? Go figure. (sound of individual now thoroughly perplexed) . . .

btw: thanks, also to everyone who shared on this thread. If worse turns to worst, maybe I'll tinker around with some of the apps you all have suggested.

Aaahhh, the wonders of modern technology . . . :-I
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