Yes, however they send refurbished phones back. It takes a week to get a box with a ups envelope in it to send back to Net10 then an additional 2 weeks to receive my replacement. Which really wouldnt be an issue except that I live out in the woods and have a very sick disabled child so its important that I have a phone at all times.
Last year I had a LG android through Net10 and sent it back due to several glitches, was sent a refurbished phone just like it only to send it back within 2 weeks because when I turned it off to charge one night, the crazy thing wouldnt go any futher than the splash screen the next morning. It took me a month and half to get a replacement that time. Its crazy, I know..... I could of drove it to Florida myself and picked it up in the amount of time it took them to send the replacement phones. Which kinda bothers me about all that any way.... I mean we buy brand new phones from the store, yet when they are faulty and we have to send them back, we end up with the same make & model we had, except it had issues already, hence needing to be "refurbished" in the first place.
Kind of a lose/lose situation when it comes to dealing with Net10 if you ask me. Which is one reason Id like to get away from them and their service asap.....until then, Im stuck.