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I feel hacked

Ok, I'm gonna start out by saying I am dumb... like dumber than two dumb things typa dumb. . When it comes to anything computer/ phone -ish... .and EVERY single time something strikes me a little bit "spish" ...boom...all of a sudden I'm in settings and Google dashboard and my only answer ever is 'its the feds' lol so.... is there anyone who can puhlease ease my mind on this nonsense that fills my head and takes up my time if i post some pics of my paranoia?

Xperia xa charging problem.

Hey so I've had this phone xperia XA about a month now and it's always had this problem, the phones not new though its second hand but bought from a reputable store. If I'm playing games while charging the battery will still drain. I've not got the original charger but I'm using an ancher fast charger with the stores own cable I got the phone from. When I first open the game its fine but within 5 minuets the battery gets really hot and that's when it starts losing charge. When it's charging when I'm not gaming it'll charge an average of 1500ma but whilst I'm gaming the charge is -300ma or greater according to accubattery. All apps are uptodate, I've upgraded the phone to android nougart. I have the screen brightness at 50% and auto brightness is turned off. I'm starting to think it could be the battery but accubattery tells me the batterys health is at 98% based on a number of charge cycles. Before I got this phone I had an iPhone 5, used the same charger (I know it wasn't a fast charging phone and its probably what broke it in the end but..) and it never had this problem, it would still charge while playing the exact same games even when the battery overheated.

Ive looked all over for a solution but can't find one. I'm starting to lose my mind lol and thinking that I should just go back to ios. Really hope someone can help me as I do enjoy android more for the most parts.

Thans for any answers.

Edit: I thought it might be the online games I'm playing causing this so I downloaded an app from the play store while watching a video on YouTube but the same thing happens, battery drains while it's charging. Then I thought it might be the wifi/mobile data so I downloaded a single player game and turned on flight mode while playing it, same thing happens the battery still dains while charging.

I found the most peculiar little app the other day

As i was using a friend's phone i noticed that all the applications on it besides messenger were stock. However there was an app ive never seen before. Called "FaceMask". I opened the app to see a surprisingly professional dashboard. I only had enough time to read the word Utilities in one of the sections. I looked it up on google play and a few "after market" app stores only to not find it. My was interest was peaked because it looked like a polished hacking app. I manage to get the phone back and immediately download apk extractor and Bluetooth it to my device. When i got home to install it on a vmware android i had, it wasnt there. In fact the only app that was in the Bluetooth folder of my phone was File Manager with lg's default filemanager icon. Even on my Bluetooth received files it simply read File Manager. I asked him about it later knowing that he doesn't possess any python coding skills and he simply denied the app's existence. Anyways, anyone ever heard of this app?

Help Moto G Won't Power On Or Charge - How To Recover Data?

My Moto G now seems to be completely dead. It won't power on or charge. Plugging in a charger makes the white LED indicator turn on and remain on (steady, not blinking) for as long as the phone is plugged in, but that is the only sign of life. No combination of holding power and volume buttons for any length of time has coaxed any additional signs of life out of this phone.

Unfortunately, there's some data I'd rather like to not lose forever. Fortunately, I don't particularly need the phone to work when I'm done with it. If there's some way to revive it (even temporarily), that'd be great but if I can remove the internal storage chip and stick it in a reader to retrieve text messages, that's fine too.


I am getting problem with this code
public class WordAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Word>{
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
return super.getView(position, convertView, parent);
it is giving me the error
There is no default constructor available in 'android.widget.ArrayAdapter'.
Can anyone help me out.

How to compress an image without loosing its quality

Hi guys am trying to compress an image without loosing its quality. now with my code image is compressing from 60KB to 3KB . but the quality is really bad how to fix this. this is my code please see and help me.
i want to capture an image compress it , send it to next activity and display it in image view.
]   //open camera
[*]    if (requestCode == REQUEST_IMAGE_CAPTURE && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
[*]       Bundle extras = data.getExtras();
[*]        Bitmap imageBitmap = (Bitmap) extras.get( "data" );
[*]        //compress image
[*]        Bitmap convertedimage = getResizedBitmap( imageBitmap, 100 );

[*]        Intent intent = new Intent( MainActivity.this, Display.class );
[*]        extras.putParcelable( "Bitmap", convertedimage );
[*]        intent.putExtras( extras );
[*]        startActivity( intent );
[*]    }

[*]private Bitmap getResizedBitmap(Bitmap image, int maxSize) {
[*]    int width = image.getWidth();
[*]    int height = image.getHeight();
[*]    float bitmapRatio = (float) width / (float) height;
[*]    if (bitmapRatio > 1) {
[*]        width = maxSize;
[*]        height = (int) (width / bitmapRatio);
[*]    } else {
[*]        height = maxSize;
[*]        width = (int) (height * bitmapRatio);
[*]    }
[*]    return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap( image, width, height, true );

IN Display Activity.java
[*]Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
[*]if (extras != null) {
[*]    Bitmap bmp = extras.getParcelable( "Bitmap" );
[*]    image.setImageBitmap( bmp );
[*]    //display compressed image size in textview
[*]    long height = bmp.getHeight();
[*]    long width = bmp.getWidth();
[*]    long filesizeinBytes1 = bmp.getByteCount();
[*]    long fileSizeInKB1 = filesizeinBytes1 / 1024;
[*]    textview1.setText( " Height:" + height + "Width" + width + "size in KB:  " + fileSizeInKB1 );
[*]    Log.d( TAG, "Textview message :" + height + " , " + width + " , " + fileSizeInKB1 );

[*]    File destination = new File( Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "temp.jpg" );
[*]    ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
[*]    FileOutputStream fo;
[*]    try {
[*]        fo = new FileOutputStream( destination );
[*]        fo.write( bytes.toByteArray() );
[*]        fo.close();
[*]    } catch (IOException e) {
[*]        e.printStackTrace();
[*]    }


I hope I didn't double post this topic, but i saw it was something that can score me internet points so I'm going for it. Its also probably a bit late for an introduction at this point but 20 points are at stake here.

Hey guys, its me jasonmerc, that same dude on xda. My whole love for Android started as an accident. I used to love all things Apple... Until my first gen iTouch stopped receiving updates, and I saw this "android" thing that I figured I would give a try.

My first phone was an LG P506 Thrive which I loved dearly... And hard bricked 3 days after getting by flashing the wrong KDZ to it because I was an idiot. This phone got me started on my XDA career. I wasn't even going to make an account to get involved in the community over there or anything, I just made the account so I could get access to a download link to try and unbrick my Thrive. In the end I was unable to fix it, but now I had an account on XDA.

Over the next couple of years or so I'd post a little every now and then about whatever phone I had at the moment, with my first "contribution" being a guide for how to flash CM11 on the Motorola Bravo. It was nothing brag-worthy for a while, just standard stuff from a standard lurker who would make standard comments about things every now and then.

It wouldn't be until the summer of 2016 when things would kick off for me that got me really involved in all of this stuff. Amazon released their first Prime phone, the Blu R1 HD. A couple of us guys over there decided to snatch one up as soon as they released for $60. One thing lead to another, and we managed to break into it and get root access within 2 weeks of its release. Because this phone was already in the spotlight as it is (for being a really good device for a really low price from a company like Amazon) our "root method" soon showed up on a couple of gadget related news sites. I, along with the rest of the team, had our small taste of Internet fame for a little while, and were responsible for launching that phone's "community" on that site. As stated before, this is what really got me into the android modding scene.

Since then I've switched off that phone and to the Holiest of the Holy Moto G4 Play, and have been pretty much using that for the past 2-3 years. I built my first ROM ever for this phone (I couldn't make one for the R1 HD because no one was there to properly teach me at the time) and have made a couple others for a few other similar devices as well--namely that "PAOSP" joke ROM in late 2017.

That pretty much leaves us to where I am today. I came over to this site because it feels cozier than XDA, as per my man @bcrichster's recommendation. It's got more of that small-group feeling to it, like everyone's a bit closer over here. Also because I can link Telegram groups in my posts without having to worry about someone hanging me for it. Long story short you guys seem nice here.

As of writing this post, my future ambitions are to kickstart the Orbic Wonder community in the similar way that I did the R1 HD one. Although the Orbic is a bit late and perhaps falling into obscurity by this point, our small group managed to do a whole lot to that phone in not a lot of time. Since my G4 Play is only getting older and slower with every passing day (hell, the thing was pretty much outdated even when the thing first came out), I hope to soon buy and transition over to the Orbic so I can be of more help to the community by being able to do things with it myself, rather than relying on others to test stuff out for me which I'm doing now. If we're lucky and God is with us, maybe we can get a fully functioning Nougat Custom ROM on that thing (not even gonna dare wish for Oreo or beyond at this point, especially since we don't even have this thing's kernel source code yet) Cross your fingers this works out! It's a hell of a device for the price range, it would be a shame to have something so good go unnoticed like it has been prior to this last week or so.

Anyway, that's all about me. I look forward to filling up this site with lots of quality content that's fun for the whole family.
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Accessories Aukey EP-B60 Wireless HeadSet


Another great product from Aukey for our popular Samsung Galaxy Note 8 and other media devices. As usual here, I'm not getting paid for any of these reviews. I am sent a product for my honest reviews, and at the end of the period, I am allowed to keep the product.

The Aukey EP-B60 is a cutting edge device that has been expanded upon. It is a bluetooth device that works great with my Note 8. The device has the new magnetic off/on switchology, so that all I have to do is pull the ear buds apart and the device automatically turns on. There is a volume up/down, track forward/backwards switch. It does have a type C USB charging cable that is included, but the charger is not. It took a bit of close up searching to find the flap to open for charging, but the device is so well put together, that it is actually nice that it is a bit hard to find. After a full charge, the EP-B60 will last for approximately 8 hours before it needs charging again.

The sound is a rich and deep sound without the "tin cup" sound. There is more than enough volume when on the phone or just listening to music. I'l include some pictures, but you really want to try a set of these for yourself. I priced them on a reputable shopping website and they sell for about $26. Oh, I almost forgot, it comes package very nicely. Each part had its own place and was not just "thrown in the box". It also comes with a nice rubber carrying case.

Overall, I think you will like this headset, and I highly recommend it for the quality and price.


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LG V50 ThinQ 5G - Cheap Fast Internet!

Hello everyone!
Today I'm thinking about the LG flagships insane price drops after some months after release... Like the G7 got from 800$ to 300-400$ in just some months after release
Same with the other recent Gs and Vs
So, I was thinking... Man, the V50, 5G flagship from LG, is going to be 900-1000$ according to GSMArena, but, like other LGs, it will drop in price, maybe to 700$ (even 600$ if lucky), so it will just be the most affordable 5G flagship phone, which will be a crazy good deal (5G for 700$, while S10 5G is 1,100-1,200$).
Other than 5G, it has the powerful Snapdragon 855, enough RAM, enough storage and maybe a pretty good flagship camera. Sure, no crazy couple of ToF sensor like S10 5G, but still, pretty good for its price.
Also, the Mate 20 X 5G, potential Huawei 5G phone, I assume that it will still be pretty much the giant Mate 20 X from the last year, but with a 5G capable modem and *maybe* a slightly better processor... But, comparing it with the V50 ThinQ 5G at 700$, it's not a perfect deal as the LG.
So, if the V50 5G gets cheaper, it will be the Cheapest 5G Deal!
Have a good day!

FCM and privacy

Hello. I am a developer working on some projects for iOS and Android mobile phone platforms. I have a question about Firebase Cloud Messaging and privacy. When allowing an Android device to be a client for push notifications, I use FCM. Recently that has created a privacy concern with Google such that I need to generate privacy documents on a web site (which I do not control) and generate similar documentation on the app (or at least a link to said document). If I disable FCM from collecting the device Advertising ID, should this relieve me from needing to generate the privacy documentation?

No Notifications

Hello, I have a very annoying issue. I receive notifications very late all of the sudden. I was avoiding to update for a few months due to the change of the minimum Notification Reminder interval in the new android OS from 1minute interval to 3min interval.

Unfortunately I stopped receiving notification on time. Some of the notifications came hours later and it was causing me a lot of problems. I have tried EVERYTHING on the previous OS, then finally I just had to try to update in case that fixed it. It didn't. I tried again EVERYTHING on the new OS and same. Am in despair, please advice what can I do to get notifications on time.

Below I list steps I took so far for both versions of the OS aiming to receive notifications from skype and snapchat:
1. Set applications to be unmonitored for battery and memory
2. Change all notifications settings of both applications to be on (literally all options are on including sound)
3. I enabled developer options and set data to be always on, i purchased unlimited data package
4. Set wifi stability over performance
5. Installed app, "Missed notifications Reminder" to get the notifications pushed to me
6. I have tried to switch all other instances of this applications on other devices and also enabled them again for another phone and a laptop. I do not receive (for skype case) notifications on any of them
7. I disabled do-not-disturb option all together, and set both the apps to send notifications anyone
8. I set both apps to Always-On-top
9. I set Allow-App when data saver is on (even tho its off)

PLEASE. Tell me what to do, I have tried everything I can think off and still I do not receive notifications in time. (maybe after 4-5hours or never)

Storage issue

I am trying to free up some storage on my phone. System keeps saying that storage is full. I have deleted all unnecessary apps and have tried several cleaning apps, nothing works. When I add up the storage of my remaining apps, it comes to approximately twelve gigs. Storage still says twenty three gigs used. It says that apps are using storage. How do I find out what apps are using storage? Please advise. Thanks in advance.


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