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Help boot loop

I was sleeping and forgot to charge my phone so I ran out of battery. Then why I went to charge it, it went into Huawei ERecovery. I tried everything it suggested even resorting to factory reset but even then it still boots up to Huawei ERecovery.

[FREE][GAME]Shadow puzzle

I would like to introduce you my game Shadow puzzle. The game is primarily aimed at children. You need to drag the picture of animal to the matching shadow above.
There is two difficulty levels. On easy level is there matching count of pictures and shadows.

Feel free to post any suggestions or improvements.






Factory reset phone with no service


I bought a motorola moto e4 right before going abroad to Spain. My carrier, Virgin Mobile, said they couldn't unlock the phone because I hadn't had it long enough. That was fine, I brought it with me anyways and had been using it as a back up device to take photos, and use apps that my Spanish phone doesn't have room for. It was working fine for months, but then suddenly it stopped taking new photos, would't download anything new, and some apps like instagram wouldn't play videos. I saw on a different forum that a factory reset was recommended. So I started the process and reset went fine. However, now that I've rebooted it, the phone seems to be stuck on the "Configuring Service" page. I don't have a phone plan with Virgin Mobile anymore, nor am I in the States currently. Should my phone be configuring normally, or is there a way to connect it to the internet in my apartment so that I can get it setup?

Thank you!

Help I can not longer use my phone after a ROM failure

So... I rooted my phone recently and tried to install a new custom ROM to get more performance. After trying to install a ROM made for a moto E4 and not a moto E4 plus (which is my current device) I bricked my phone.

Because of this, I decided to follow this guide to recover the full stock form of my phone:

I manage to complete the phase where I need to erase everything in step 3 and couldn't get to flash all the parts later.

I think that my biggest mistake was to reboot my phone after that because now I can't even get to the fastboot mode.

Does anyone know what should I do now? :(

Fun with LVL (license verification library)

I think I am having success so far integrating license checking in my app. I have mostly followed the recommended use of a ServerManagedPolicy. It is neat that when you download the LVL and integrate it into your app, you get a copy of the source that you can easily customize, and I have.

My customized ServerManagedPolicy maintains a new variable called mLastDefinitiveResponse, similar to the existing mLastResponse. The difference is that mLastDefinitiveResponse is set to either LICENSED or NOT_LICENSED when either of these responses are returned from the market server. It is unchanged when any other response is received. So when a license check is done in my application and my callback's "dontAllow" method is called, I can query mLastDefinitiveResponse (available through a public getter that I added to ServerManagedPolicy) to see what the last definitive response was. If that response was LICENSED I want to allow the user to continue to use my app regardless of any retry timeouts. My reason is that my app is a utility that might be used almost all the time in places and on devices were there is no network connection. (Don't ask. It's a niche app.) So my licensing policy is more liberal than the standard ServerManagedPolicy, and I am OK with that.

When I get a "dontAllow" callback and the last definitive response was NOT_LICENSED, I throw up an AlertDialog telling the user I am switching to the play store, and then I call mChecker.followLastLicensingURL() where mChecker is my LicenseChecker object. And it works. Since the app is still in development, the responses from the Google Play Store are static and set by me in the developer console. And that is working fine too. (There is a delay of up to several hours between when I change the static response and when that new response is returned by my licensing query.) But here is my question. When followLastLicensingURL() takes me to Google Play, it shows my app with buttons for "UNINSTALL" and "OPEN". I guess that is because that is what the Play Store shows when you go to an app that is already installed. But if I really were running a bootleg copy of my app, would the Play Store give me the option of purchasing the app at this point? I really don't know how to test that until I actually release a production version of my app.

Best (free) way to record sound and email it ?

There's really two things I'd like to know:

1. Which free app best records sound and then makes emailing it possible, even easy?
Because the default audio recording app on my phone doesn't seem to allow for emailing.
And starting from the email end and trying to attach the audio file doesn't work as the phone doesn't seem capable of finding these audio files.

So I've downloaded and run a couple of different recorder apps - free ones - and neither does the job properly so far. There's a hell of a lot more out there clamouring for attention. It'd be a whole lot quicker for me if someone here who knows of something available and working well right now were to just tell me about it.

2. Taking notes and attaching them, when required, to emails.
The best thing I've found so far is that 'wps' app but it is a bit cumbersome.
Tried other things but didn't find anything better yet. Found one, for instance, that doesn't even seem to keep files - it just seems to have one every growing file right there...

So if there's a better alternative available I'd love to know of it, too, if anyone can help.

Recently added playlist resets after a phone reset

So since I have put my s8 files onto my s9 the music transferred easily. However now when I get new music it goes into recently added in any music player however after a phone reset (on and off), my recently added playlist resets to the point where I have the recently added from the transfer. This is super annoying as I have over 1000 songs and the new ones basically go null and void by the time I hear them finally. Super upset and have tried to reconfigure file settings to no avail. Any recommendations?

change 'primary' Google account?

Now that I've added a 2nd Google account (work, because I use it for email & Contacts) to the phone I want to make sure the phone's PRIMARY Google account is the first one I had already added.

But I'm not sure how to find (let alone how to assign) which Google account is the phone's primary account, or even if there is such a thing as a primary account (and what that even means) in Android 9.

Sorry but I'm an Android noob setting up his new phone.

Edit: I've 'googled' the heck out of this, with no success. There are plenty pages with instructions on how to handle it, and what it even means) on earlier version of Android than 9, though, but I can't see how/if they apply on 9.

Help Nexus 5 - Can't mount /cache/

A good day everyone,

Because my little brother drops his phone so his touché screen didn’t do anything anymore we had to buy a new phone for him.

We found a good as new Nexus 5 at a auction. After it arrived by mail eh booted it up and it seems to be working fine. But after I gave it to him and he turn it on again it keeps hanging at the google loading “balls”. After entering into recovery mode and trying to clear the /cash partition I got the massage “failed to mount /cache (invaled argument), “Can't Mount /cache/…..”, “Can’t open /cache/……” multiple times.

I already tried:

- Re flasing (needs root)

- Sideload (need’s a working /cache)

I can’t get the devise rooted because every guide expects you to reboot the device and start into android. A thing that my device doesn’t do.

I’m sure that the solution is somewhere out there, but I can’t find it.

Could you help me?

Thank you in advanced,

Developer fix for image resize problem required (set wallpaper)


Basically the above is the horrendous situation were you cannot reduce the image size and problem we have nowadays with mobile phones. You find an image you want to set as your home lockscreen or wallpaper and although you can zoom in on a file, you cannot zoom out, and thus you are forced to crop and it becomes a huge mess because you cannot fit in the screen the picture that you want, why the hell is this? I mean you can zoom in with pictures, but not zoom out?

Oh lord, is there any smart android developer who can please implement a solution to galleries and set as image in browsers, that can also 'reduce' the image size by zooming out, so that we don't have to do cropping on our modern mobile phones? And just say ' zoom out, then set image as wallpaper. So that the picture will fit without hassling!

Delete and undo in RecyclerView causes multiple entries

have data in my SQLite Database which I load into a RecyclerView. With an ItemTouchHelper you can delete a item and a Snackbar appears with an undo .action.

The problem I have is that when I delete and undo multiple times and I reload the app, I have got multiple entries where I deleted and restored.

I have figured out that "
pocketItemAdapter.removeItem(viewHolder.getAdapterPosition())" do not return 1 so its failing. But is that a problem with Adapter or with SQLite?

As you can see here:

    // Delete and undo pocket items
ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback recyclerviewSwipe = new ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback(0, ItemTouchHelper.LEFT) {
    public boolean onMove(@NonNull RecyclerView recyclerView, @NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, @NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder target) {
        return false;

    public void onSwiped(@NonNull RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int direction) {
        final Pocket pocketList = PocketItems.get(viewHolder.getAdapterPosition());
        final int deletetIndex = viewHolder.getAdapterPosition();


        if(pocketItemAdapter.getItemCount() != 0){

        Snackbar snackbar = Snackbar.make(coordinatorLayoutPocketMain,R.string.successfully_deleted,3000)
                .setAction(R.string.undo, new View.OnClickListener() {
                    public void onClick(View view) {


RecyclerView Adapter

void removeItem(int position){
    Database database = new Database(context);


void restoreItem(Pocket item, int position){

SQLite open helper
  Integer deletepocketEntry(Integer rowID){
        SQLiteDatabase database = this.getWritableDatabase();
        return database.delete(KEY_DATABASE_TABLE,"rowid = ?", new String[]{Integer.toString(rowID)});

long createpocketEntry(String timestamp,String amount,String description, String category){
    SQLiteDatabase database = this.getWritableDatabase();
    ContentValues pocketValues = new ContentValues();
    return database.insert(KEY_DATABASE_TABLE,null,pocketValues);

How to Remove Old Email Accounts

So I just bought a new phone last week and I'm in the process of downloading all my apps and setting it up. I was trying to log into the Slack app when this pop-up appeared with a list of all the emails that I've ever used.

Half of them were old email accounts that I haven't used in a while and they ranged from Gmail to Yahoo to Outlook and even my old college email address showed up. Where are these emails stored and how can I remove them from my device?

I've wrecked my brain and could not figure this out. Any help would be appreciated!


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new scam.. ATT put my account on hold

2 weeks ago.. i got a call .. from my own phone number!!! I am an ATT customer. on a shared account with others. (6 active phones .. work related).

when i answered ..
i hear the ATT .. quick tune.. then an automated female voice said..
my account has been put on hold due to odd activity.
enter my zip code to verify. I entered the zip of the account.
then i thought this is too odd... and hung up.

I then called the account holder to verify issue..
he said there is NO odd activities... and phones work.
so ignore it for now. .. hung up.

15 mins later..
i got a call from the account holders number....
answered it.. and it was the ATT .. quick tune .. and same automated number!!!!
hung up...

so.. it must be a scam.. because the phones are just fine 2 weeks later.
i have gotten that call 2 more times during this time.

what worries me most..
is that it was able to call me with the account holder's number (call ID).
scared it was able to see who i called after the initial call???
or did it know who the main holder number and used it.
no one else in the group got this scam call.

is my PHONE... hacked? something looking and recording my calls?

App Permissions: Audio Output

Has Android announced any intention to include "audio output" as an adjustable setting in the App Permissions menu?

There are some apps out there that automatically play loud audio on the login screen or require the audio to be manually turned off after logging in. Since I listen to podcasts/music regularly, it would be really nice if I didn't have to go through the following everytime I want to listen to my own media whenever I want to use these problem apps:
1. pause my podcast/music
2. mute the overall media audio setting for my phone
3. open the noisy app, login and manually turn off the audio within the app
4. Un-mute the overall media audio setting for my phone
5. Restart my podcast/music
6. Resume utilizing the muted app

This is very annoying to deal with on a regular basis. Especially when I forget to mute the phone audio first and get blasted with the app volume by surprise and have to rewind my podcast to catch the part I missed while dealing with the app audio.

I am aware that there are apps out there that will mute the phone's overall media volume when opening specific apps (such as App Volume Control by SpyCorp) but this mutes all media audio while the app is open, which means my podcast gets muted (without being paused) for the full duration the app is open, which is perhaps even worse.

It would be nice to have an across the board solution for this problem at the top level from Android, instead of having to protest/request updates from app developers that are unresponsive or have no intention to fix the issue. It would be nice if I could simply turn off an "audio output" permission specific to these apps under the Android settings and never have to deal with that problem again.

I read somewhere that Samsung may have released something to help with this issue on their phones, but unfortunately that doesn't help a non-samsung android user like me.

Has anyone found a solution to this issue?

(Sorry if this is a repeat thread, but I couldn't find any other forum posts specifically related to this issue when I checked before posting)

Thank you very much for your assistance!

  • Locked

In this game members try to reach 900. Moderators and Administrators try to reach -900.

Heres how the counting works.
Members = +2
Moderators = -2
Administrator = -3
Premium members & App or ROM developers = +3

This post = 0

Let the game, BEGIN!


I'm a moderator and I developed an App or ROM how many points do I get?
Answer = +2

Edit, fixed spelling and changed Admin to singular instead of plural. There is only 1 of me, so I count as much as premium. Nice try though!

I feel hacked

Ok, I'm gonna start out by saying I am dumb... like dumber than two dumb things typa dumb. . When it comes to anything computer/ phone -ish... .and EVERY single time something strikes me a little bit "spish" ...boom...all of a sudden I'm in settings and Google dashboard and my only answer ever is 'its the feds' lol so.... is there anyone who can puhlease ease my mind on this nonsense that fills my head and takes up my time if i post some pics of my paranoia?


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