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Buzzfeed article about Peel Remote control... time to delete?


The Samsung TV Remote Control app from Peel Technologies took 58 permissions, 23 of which are in the dangerous category defined by Android. The app is one of a family of TV remote applications from Peel that have similar functionality and permissions. They are all covered by a single privacy policy that says the app collects detailed information about the “content you consume (validated by audio content recognition).” This suggests the app accesses the microphone to record audio while you use it. It also collects information on your location, IP address, device, and behavior when you use the app.

OxygenOS update 9.0.13 for 6T & 9.0.5 for 6

OnePlus has begun the OTA, (Over The Air), rollout of their new stable OxygenOS firmware, 9.0.13, for OnePlus 6T and McLaren and 9.0.5 for OnePlus 6 users.

As always, there will be a limited roll out initially, followed by the global roll out in a few days.



  • Updated Android security patch to 2019.3 (March 2019)
  • General bug fixes and system improvements
  • Introducing feedback tool for reporting bugs and submitting feature requests
Camera version is still 3.0.16

This is the 8th official, stable, update for the 6T in 165 days

(N.B. OxygenOS 9.0.13 is not available for the T-Mobile carrier minority variant)

More info to follow

Help Android 9 popups. Maximize?

I got the update to Android 9 recently. Certain apps like text messages now popup a little circle alert in the center of my screen (similar to Facebook). If I click the popup, the message opens up tiny and I have to maximize it. Or I can ignore it and just open the text app.

I would like to set those windows to maximize when I click them. I don't want to have to click the window, have it open up too small, and then have to maximize them...

If they can't be maximized on first click, then I'd like to disable them completely.

Samsung Galaxy S8+

Weather & Clock Widget changes time for no reason

I have the weather & clock widget on my home screen. For two days in a row now, the time will suddenly change to 7 hours ahead, and then it changes back on its own about 6 hours later. The "main" clock on my phone is correct, and if I update the weather, it lists as correct when last updated. But even though the main clock knows it's 2pm, the widget shows as 9pm. Any idea what can be done?

Cloth to make curtain or divider?

Hey guys,
so i am working on an aquarium project that is almost done. I basically need a cloth of some sort to hide all of my filtration and plumbing underneath my tank. i had to basically rip off the doors to the stand to get the filter in and plumbed. now i'm trying to hide it all and i can't do that with the doors to the stand no longer there. the stand is black.

so what i'm looking for is a black cloth of some sort where i can either use velcro or glue(?) to adhere it to the stand to hide everything. it can't be to expensive and i only need a little bit of it.

i have checked Michael's to avail. i thought for sure they would have something.

anybody have ideas? Home Depot?

Help Phone stuck at a bootloop

Hello, firstly allow me to apologize for my English and long post.
I had a problem with TWRP not being able to perform any action due to not being able to mount data, after searching on the internet it was suggested to flash the recovery with OrangeFox, which I did but wish I hadn't.
Now my phone constantly reboots without showing anything on the screen, was it not for the vibration I would think that it was completely dead. It should be noted that it currently has no working ROM inside (hence why I was trying to flash another one with TWRP which was not working), before flashing OrangeFox when I opened it it went straight to the recovery, although it did show the Xiaomi brand while booting. Now I'm unable to perform any action, including the most important one, accessing the bootloader in order to flash another recovery. Is there anything that can be done by me? Is it dead for good? Do I have to send it to a technician?(I would rather try everything before that)

MVNO's piggybacking multiple networks

What's the significance of the new trend where MVNO's like Red Pocket and Mint are piggybacking multiple networks instead of using just one? Will it obscure accountability of invasion of privacy and the newly arised controversy of network operators reselling our location to whoever's willing to pay for it Even if app's don't, your cellular provider knows where you are if you're connected to their network

[GAME][FREE] Flappy Dunk Ball: Circle Ball Hoop Color Match

Hello Guys,
I have released my first game on Google Play Store named Flappy Dunk Ball.
It is a casual game in which you have to tap the screen to make the ball jump and pass the ball with the hoops of same color the color of the ball changes after every dunk you have to take the ball to the hoop of same color.It is a highly addictive game has 5 star rating on play store and is in top 5 and top 10 of every keyword listing related to the game.It has great music in the background.

Standout features
Featuring vertical flappy hooks with different colors, this flappy hook game requires players to go through the flappy rings of the same color while the bouncing flappy ball is changing its color constantly. The thing that makes this game super-challenging is the position of the color matching ball rings and the flappy ball that varies. Follow where the flappy ball and circles are taking you to showcase your reflexes, precision and concentration. You will lose the game if you miss the correct ring toss and fail to go through the flappy circles. Expertise the perfect ball bounce and tap fast in order to achieve the highest scores and experience the thrilling flappy hoop dunks. The ultimate goal of the player is to tap jump and bounce with the ball as long as he can. The game will easy in the beginning of the game but as the player gets further it will become more and more challenging. Put your skills on the test to see how long you will last.
Download GooglePlay


Download GooglePlay
Any feedback will be helpful.
Please do try this game.

Phone on our plan using

My family has a combined 20g plan. Sometimes we get close to the limit at the end of the month and a few times we go over. We are 7 days into our billing month and I got a few text messages from verizon.
5:05 saying we're almost out of data
5:45 saying we were charged for an additional gb
6:03 saying we are about to be charged an additional gb
6:30 saying we are about to be charged, surprise, another gb.

A relative in college usually uses most of the data, in this case once 90% of it. Since these messages were coming in early in the AM while he's probably sleeping and since he didn't answer his phone we locked his phone from using data.

So my question is, what possibly could be going on that is causing this much data. Like I said we're only a week into our cycle and have never had this happen.

We are on verizon. He has a iphone. We dont pay additional for the wifi hotspot feature which I believe is a separate charge. I thought maybe he could be using his phone as a hotspot so his friends can game online but like I said I thought you would have to pay extra for that feature and I know we wouldnt have if give the choice.

Maybe there's a logical reason his phone's going through so much data, but Ive never seen anything like it. Im worried it could either be due to an issue on verizon's end, or some app or apps are doing things they shouldnt, or maybe he's uploading an entier collection of videos and photos the cloud.

I need help with Nearby messages API

I'm trying to implement a simple communication using Nearby with two android phones. I'm new to Android development so I read all the online tutorials I could find but they all seem deprecated and missing vital information. All I'm getting are FORBIDDEN errors or onConnectionFailed calls depending on my luck. I've put in the right credentials and API keys for my app in the API console.

Could someone point me to up to date tutorials on how to do this properly or help me one on one?

How to upload JSON Data and Image to php server Sucessfully

Hi am Fresher in android . am creating a app which i need to upload captured image and JSON data which i got from QRcode to PHP server. But am getting Secret_key not matched message when i debug.

I Checked API from postman the server is responding with the file path which i uploaded. but from code am getting secret key not match. please help guys.

this is my code

private class uploadFileToServerTask extends AsyncTask <String, String, Object> {
private DataOutputStream outputStream;;
protected String doInBackground(String... args) {
try {
String lineEnd = "\r\n";
String twoHyphens = "--";
String boundary = "*****";
int bytesRead, bytesAvailable, bufferSize;
byte[] buffer;
int maxBufferSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
String result = "";
String filename = args[0];
java.net.URL url = new URL( ApplicationConstant.BASE_URL );
Log.d( ApplicationConstant.TAG, "url " + url );
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// Allow Inputs &amp; Outputs.
connection.setDoInput( true );
connection.setDoOutput( true );
connection.setUseCaches( false );
// Set HTTP method to POST.
connection.setRequestMethod( "POST" );
connection.setRequestProperty( "Connection", "Keep-Alive" );
connection.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "multipart/form-data;boundary=" + boundary );
connection.setRequestProperty( "secret_key", ApplicationConstant.secret_key);
outputStream= new DataOutputStream( connection.getOutputStream() );
FileInputStream fileInputStream;
outputStream.writeBytes( twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd );
outputStream.writeBytes( "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\";filename=\"" + filename + "\"" + lineEnd );
outputStream.writeBytes( lineEnd );
outputStream.writeBytes( twoHyphens + boundary + lineEnd );
//outputStream.writeBytes( query );
Log.d( ApplicationConstant.TAG, "filename " + filename );
fileInputStream = new FileInputStream( filename );
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min( bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize );
buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
// Read file
// bytesRead = fileInputStream.read( buffer, 0, bufferSize );
outputStream.write( buffer, 0, bufferSize );
bytesAvailable = fileInputStream.available();
bufferSize = Math.min( bytesAvailable, maxBufferSize );
bytesRead = fileInputStream.read( buffer, 0, bufferSize );
outputStream.writeBytes( lineEnd );
outputStream.writeBytes( twoHyphens + boundary + twoHyphens + lineEnd );
int serverResponseCode = connection.getResponseCode();
String serverResponseMessage = connection.getResponseMessage();
Log.d( "serverResponseCode", "" + serverResponseCode );
Log.d( "serverResponseMessage", "" + serverResponseMessage );
//Response from server
String response = "";
if (serverResponseCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {
InputStream responseStream = new
BufferedInputStream( connection.getInputStream() );
BufferedReader responseStreamReader =
new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( responseStream ) );
String line = "";
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
while ((line = responseStreamReader.readLine()) != null) {
stringBuilder.append( line ).append( "\n" );
response = stringBuilder.toString();
if (serverResponseCode == 200) {
return "true";
} else {
throw new IOException( "Server returned non-OK status: " + serverResponseCode );
return response;
} catch (FileNotFoundException e1) {
} catch (ProtocolException e1) {
} catch (MalformedURLException e1) {
} catch (IOException e1) {
Exception e)

Help Blu Studio G - Problem With Recurring Text Messages

Hope someone can shed some light on these (probably related) problems with my Blu Studio G phone. Recently replaced the battery due to battery failure. New battery does not stay charged for long at all but I do get a little use out of the phone and at least the "new" battery is not swelling. Don't know if the rapid discharge and inability to hold a charge has anything to do with the main problem, but here goes:

For several months I get a repeat of the initial text I got from someone. This happens when the phone dies on me and I have to reboot it after recharging the phone. Seems like an endless loop of that one text. I asked the sender how many times they had sent that text (or any text) to me and they told me, only about four texts ever. In all, there are approaching 200 transmissions of this repeated text. I have reset the phone more than once and every time the repeated text reappears.

Short of trashing the phone and starting over, any easy solutions? (I am not tech savvy, so I need simple explanations please!) Thank you to anyone who can help.

Camera Settings

I take a lot of pictures and videos of my family. What would the best camera settings be for me? I want to make sure I'm getting the best use of the camera but also know if I change certain settings it can make the video look worse. Anyone out there with a little knowledge on the camera? Let me know what you guys think. Thanks!


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