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Post your Android Desktop

Thanks but all that apps shows shortcuts in grid view. I would like it to be in horizontal line and scrollable.

Well, you didn't specify. The ones that I already suggested do scroll vertical if there is a large number of apps in that category.

If you want a horizontal scroll, try this: http://market.android.com/details?id=com.th.android.widget.SiMiFolder
New Arkham City theme


Not a Batman lover in the slightest but the theme itself looks brilliant. Good colour co-ordination and style with a brilliant font choice. Good work and Thanked.

Am I right in guessing the weather skin is paper? And which font exactly have you used there?

App Drawer - http://insanity.rollus.net/screenshot/apps-t.png

This is my newest. I havnt added many programs at all. Forgot to screenshot the application list but it has all the rubbish stock apps removed leaving it very fresh, uncluttered and more organized leaving you to decide which apps YOU want to use. For example I use the MIUI Music app and hated having that AND the default player installed which usually cannot be removed. It looks and works great but my only reservation is that is the keyboard skin is awful, hard to see where your tapping, and it only comes with swype, not the gingerbread keyboard (Which Im going to install anyway)

Battery Life Seems To Hold Up Very Well. Now Im Stuck Between This And Darky 9.3's

ROM Link - [ROM] Insanity v0.6.3 [03.03.2011] - Multi DPI - xda-developers
Wallpaper - http://insanity.rollus.net/addons/wallpaper.jpg

No Apps or Widgets Added

- Samsung Galaxy S GT-I9000 -
Although It Is
Multi DPI - 200 dpi Default And Fully compatible with CWM 3.0 so may work on other phones. Let me know and dont forget to THANK.

Not a Batman lover in the slightest but the theme itself looks brilliant. Good colour co-ordination and style with a brilliant font choice. Good work and Thanked.

Am I right in guessing the weather skin is paper? And which font exactly have you used there?

Thanks, I appreciate it. The weather is actually inverted_droid and the font is continuum.
My new screens... think I'll keep them for awhile. I'm digging the minimalist sauce lately.


Right side

Left side


Epic 4g Rooted w/ Baked Snack 1.6, running LPP.
Right side is using Scrollable News Widget. Left is using Circle Widget and Beautiful widgets.

Really digging your homescreen! Where can I find your agenda widget? Thank you.
Nothing artsy or even "themed" but functional. Some homemade icons and just the most used items. Only using one screen.

Simi clock, PowerAmp, homemade icons
About as minimal as I can get.

Lockscreen: Widgetlocker, Battstat, Make Your Own Clock Widget, Poweramp
MainScreen: LauncherProPlus, TxWidget Weather, Clock and Battery, Fancy Weather, my own custom icons on dockbar (Inspiration for icons from Alonsou at xda)
For whatever reason the icons look grainy on screenshot but they are actually quite clear and smooth on the phone.

How did you get your Poweramp lockscreen to be so minimal? The default one has a bunch of crap all over, I love how yours just has title, artist, forward/back and pause. Can't figure out how to tweak it to match yours...
How did you get your Poweramp lockscreen to be so minimal? The default one has a bunch of crap all over, I love how yours just has title, artist, forward/back and pause. Can't figure out how to tweak it to match yours...

Thats on the lockscreen. Go to MISC>>LOCK SCREEN OPTIONS>> Tick Lock Screen Widget and make sure No Background is ticked. Also under the LOOK AND FEEL section, I have 'No Widget Background' ticked. Hope that helped.

For today....

Minimalistic Text
WidgetLocker 2.0

Screen 1:
Minimalistic Text
Custom Icons & Dock by Me
Fancy Weather (MIUI Skin)

Screen 2:
Make Your Own Clock
Pure Messenger

Screen 3:
System Info Widget (modded by me)
Fancy Weather (MIUI Skin)
Smooth Calendar (modded by me)
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