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Rogers Update: 911 Fix for Rogers HTC Dream and Magic is Ready

I finally updated last night, using the SD card method found on XDA. It works perfectly, and I must admit that the phone does feel snappy. BUT

On the downside, almost all my paid apps do not install for some reason. I had made a backup using Curvefish AppControl. It has always worked for me in the past, but this time, and I find that a little suspicious, almost all my paid apps, including some that should work with 1.5, do not install.

On the other downside, I STILL DONT HAVE MY DATA BACK. I have called technical support, and requested a network refresh, and the guy told me they are not allowed to do them anymore. He wrote an opened ticket, gave me the number, and will escalate it to the technicians, who will make sure I have up(down)graded before making the refresh.

I know that we will get a month credit for our data plan, but this is way past an inconvenience. I need my data for my work. I expected to have it back this morning after up(down)grading my phone around 7:00 pm last night.

I can't wait to leave Big Brother Rogers.

Nicolas Racine
I got them to do a network refresh last night, and my 3G icon came back.

However, as of this morning I still don't have connectivity.

Anyone have any insight on how they are detecting what version of firmware is on the phone?

Anyone try editing the /system/ro.build.prop file as a previous post mentioned?
I thought the 4 or 5 text messages were a pretty good warning of what was going to happen.

As long as you have a wifi you can get apps still.

Going on hour 7 downloading this rom...... 106.3 MB.... wtf

Funny thing, I just received the SMS message early Monday morning!

I didn't notice it until I was on my way home from work last night.
This morning between 8:00 and 8:20 AM my Magic was out of service. For a whole twenty minutes and after 4-5 reboots I finally was able to get connected to the network. Anyone else have this problem.

This is right in the Front/John area where I work. All of a sudden the phone goes out of service and the SIM card icon shows up. I figured it must be something to do with the new update. So I decided to reboot it, not once, not twice, not three times but four times. But still no dice. The 5th reboot got it back up and running.

I am not liking this new update because I KNOW that there are things in the update which Rogers/HTC are not telling us about.

@RogersMary, further to my tweet can ROGERS ASAP provide release notes of what was included in this update? More and more I am getting the feeling that Rogers doesn't care anymore about Android, nor their loyal customers. I'll throw that loyalty away in a heartbeat!
Dear Rogers,

Thank you for providing this update. I am happy to see the Sense UI interface, which includes other improvements, such as a better keyboard (the original soft-keys were terrible!), better camera (the original was too slow and unusable), etc.

That is the good part.

Unfortunately, this update was terribly planned! What were you thinking? Cut off our data plans to force the update? Did you realize that we need the data plan to fully configure the update? (e.g. Google account can't be completed, my contacts cannot be sync'ed from Google, etc.)

The intelligent solution would have been to give YOUR CUSTOMERS, at least, a one week notice PRIOR to disabling our data plans. One months compensation hardly makes up for the terrible inconvenience this has cost me (I use my phone for business communications). You are assuming that $30 for the 3 - 4 hours of time wasted is adequate compensation! I am no longer making teenage wages!! I'd be less inclined to complain if my data plan was not cut off!

BTW, this update DOES NOT FIX the inability to connect to a WPA2 wireless connection with hidden SSID! :mad: That is why I could not complete the setup.

Anyhow, I will look forward to exploring the new features of this update whenever I get my data plan back!

See attachment - new sense ui (the weather is normally displayed below the time if I had a working data plan)... it is actually quite functional. But remember, this is STILL OS 1.5!


  • HTC Magic - new sense ui.JPG
    HTC Magic - new sense ui.JPG
    38.3 KB · Views: 103
@RogersMary, further to my tweet can ROGERS ASAP provide release notes of what was included in this update? More and more I am getting the feeling that Rogers doesn't care anymore about Android, nor their loyal customers. I'll throw that loyalty away in a heartbeat!

I think I can answer some of this. There is a new sense ui, new camera, new improved keyboard, the Market is still the same (which means we are still on OS 1.5), new Albums (with multi-touch - wow!), etc.

Just google sense ui and there are a number of links that will offer a full explanation about what has changed.
I think I can answer some of this. There is a new sense ui, new camera, new improved keyboard, the Market is still the same (which means we are still on OS 1.5), new Albums (with multi-touch - wow!), etc.

Just google sense ui and there are a number of links that will offer a full explanation about what has changed.

He doesn't want to know what sense UI included, he wants to know what else besides UI and 911 fix that Rogers slipped into the update.

I just joined to add my disgust to this overall situation.

I have a Dream, and Windows 7 PCs. Rogers has basically f*cked me sideways with this update. It seems that if i actually wanted to do this moronic update, i'd have to go into a coffee shop with free wifi (don't use wifi, ever) and slowly download a backup app and the update... then... steal someone's xp or vista machine to do the update itself? This whole situation has just pissed me the hell off, and I'm ready right now to ditch Rogers completely. F*ck you Rogers. I think myself and anyone else who realizes how this is a breach of contract should be given the right to cancel their contract immediately without question because of this fiasco.

Edit: Oh, and Sensi UI... for only the Magic? You f-ing kidding me? Bad enough the rogers dream firmware removed any semblance of an on-screen keyboard, now you screw us over by giving the "lesser" phone a whole UI update. Fail.
Starting Day 4 of no 3G data on my brand new, updated Magic.

Sense UI and wifi data demonstrate this is a gorgeous phone. BUT...

Called Fido CSR's twice. Tried network refresh. No joy.

Gave up on Fido Monday night and called Rogers PDA tech support. Got a ticket from a friendly, well informed tech. All he needed was the build number.

Still no data. Restarted many times. Egad.
Continuing my rant, because im just That angry:

I'd like to know what on earth gives Rogers the right to disable a feature of my phone that I'm paying for without asking me. Yet another violation of a contract if you ask me:
1 - A service is disabled without the express permission of the owner/user of the phone
2 - No update is pushed or made easily available for people using CURRENT operating systems (I.E. Windows 7, XP/Vista = defunct)

Before someone gets all antsy about my comments, ill throw this out here too: I'm a very technical person, and i know i could get myself onto a neighbours computer or something similar to get the update... but i should not have to bend over backwards to get an update for my phone that fixes something as important as a 911 bug!!! Think of all the regular joe-shmo users out there that have never even realized their phone can connect to their PC... theyre screwed.

This issue needs to be resolved. Fast. Or, like i said before, Rogers should let us all ditch them without penalty, especially since they're the ones breaching the contract in the first place.
you can be sure they analyzed that contract with a fine tooth comb/lawyer. Who knows, they might let you leave but their bum is covered based on the emergency nature of the issue.

Now, being technical you might have seen that Rogers has a download that you can apply via the SD card. That solves any OS version issues and is just as easy to do and is less intrusive to the machine. BTW, I have a current OS too, Linux, Windoze == defunct. :)
Has anyone got their data plan back yet?? Anyone know when?
: (((((((((

I'll try to be patient this time and actually wait for 24 hrs...but I am a FIDO user with an unlocked Rogers phone, so if it still doesn't work after 24 hrs. Who do I call?
you can be sure they analyzed that contract with a fine tooth comb/lawyer. Who knows, they might let you leave but their bum is covered based on the emergency nature of the issue.

Now, being technical you might have seen that Rogers has a download that you can apply via the SD card. That solves any OS version issues and is just as easy to do and is less intrusive to the machine. BTW, I have a current OS too, Linux, Windoze == defunct. :)

The point is, if im an average joe customer... im f*cked. Let me put this into perspective for you, hypothetical situation:

I'm a generic consumer. In the past 6 months I've bought a new PC and a new phone because someone salesperson convinced me get them. The result? I have a new Dell/Acer/Hp PC (or a MAC) and my fancy, supposedly future-proof phone, a Rogers Dream. Now my data plan on the phone gets disabled... I get a strange text from Rogers about it which i probably deleted thinking it was some kind of "offer" and lo and behold... Screwed.
The point is, if im an average joe customer... im f*cked. Let me put this into perspective for you, hypothetical situation:

I'm a generic consumer. In the past 6 months I've bought a new PC and a new phone because someone salesperson convinced me get them. The result? I have a new Dell/Acer/Hp PC (or a MAC) and my fancy, supposedly future-proof phone, a Rogers Dream. Now my data plan on the phone gets disabled... I get a strange text from Rogers about it which i probably deleted thinking it was some kind of "offer" and lo and behold... Screwed.

sorry I can't help you but I tried. That's what we do for joe consumer around here, help. Once again, it is very simple, do the upgrade via the SD card if you don't want to hunt down an XP machine. But I'm the last to defend Rogers, I'm just a reluctant consumer. 'now with more data'
I got them to do a network refresh last night, and my 3G icon came back.

However, as of this morning I still don't have connectivity.

Anyone have any insight on how they are detecting what version of firmware is on the phone?

Anyone try editing the /system/ro.build.prop file as a previous post mentioned?


If you are running DroidWall, after making "network refresh" call, disable the firewall, force a connect to anything (browser, cmupdates, etc) and if successful, you can then reenable the firewall.

This might be particular to my setup, but it is worth a try, it worked for me!

Also, i did try a simple build.prop edit by adding the expected fingerprint to the file (the updated build.prop file can be found on pastebin). It did not work, but it is still in the file so may be an extra tidbit that needs to be done along with the droidwall reconfig.
sorry I can't help you but I tried. That's what we do for joe consumer around here, help. Once again, it is very simple, do the upgrade via the SD card if you don't want to hunt down an XP machine. But I'm the last to defend Rogers, I'm just a reluctant consumer. 'now with more data'

It was a hypothetical situation... nevermind.

And the instructions for this SD card update are where? Does rogers suggest doing this? cause their stupid little text message didn't say that. Remember, probably 90% of Dream/Magic owners aren't exactly what you would call "tech savy" enough to go dicking around the net to find a possible solution using an SD card....
It was a hypothetical situation... nevermind.

And the instructions for this SD card update are where? Does rogers suggest doing this? cause their stupid little text message didn't say that. Remember, probably 90% of Dream/Magic owners aren't exactly what you would call "tech savy" enough to go dicking around the net to find a possible solution using an SD card....

hypothetical doesn't apply if we're trying to be specific. and whats with the red and the bold? I'm not rogers, stay calm and the solution is easy.

The instructions are around here on the forum somewhere but I have to go and can't find it for you. However this was discovered by calling the number on that text message (I got several of them just in case I ignored the 1st one) that said "For users of Macintosh and Windows 7, please call 1-888-764-3771.." They will give you URLs for the non .exe update.
Hi everyone!

First time poster here. I hope my information will help some pl.

I have a HTC Magic (Rogers Model) that was unblocked and I'm using with Fido.

I did the Rogers update which worked no problem, except perhaps for my contact list which was not recovered as it was before my backup...

I waited the 24 hours before attempting to connect it. When I tried to enable the internet after that 24 hour period, I was getting a warning saying that I was using the "roaming" network and that this, might add additional cost to my current data plan. Because of this, I didn't want to activate the internet.

I contact Fido and got this straighten up... they told me to ignore that "roaming " warning, that Fido would detect i'm using the internet from my data plan zone and would not get on the roaming network. Fortunalely for me, I got them to write a note in my profile to not charge me if a roaming fee applied (just in case).

I activated the internet connection (disregarding the roaming warning) and now, data is activated on my Magic and everything is working as it was before this new firmware was installed.

Even though, this is not 1.6 or even better, 2.0 and that the way this patch was thrown at the customer leaving them no choice but to install it and worst, to have to install it manually (no automated process), I have to admit that I am please with this upgrade. My phone works a lot better now, faster and it's giving me new features.

Good luck to those still being stuck with this patch issues,


Has anyone got their data plan back yet?? Anyone know when?
: (((((((((

Well it was up....Now it's down again. Not sure why. Will wait a little bit and then call Rogers yet again.

I was able to get my data back last night after calling in and asking a rep that barely spoke english for a network refresh (probably around 7pm PST). This morning I noticed I had no data again but power-cycling the phone resolved that. Haven't had an issue with data since.

On a different note, my mom and brother also have Magic's and they have been unable to do the update. When they try to sync up their phones the software thinks the phone's are HTC Dreams and never connect. They will try a different computer tonight but wondering if anyone has come across this issue at all? Also if there are instructions on running the update directly from the SD card (since they can mount the card via usb)?

On the downside, almost all my paid apps do not install for some reason. I had made a backup using Curvefish AppControl. It has always worked for me in the past, but this time, and I find that a little suspicious, almost all my paid apps, including some that should work with 1.5, do not install.

This could be because you are not rooted anymore.
Protected apps install in different directory on the system and now you don't have write access to it :(
Has anyone got their data plan back yet?? Anyone know when?
: (((((((((

I'll try to be patient this time and actually wait for 24 hrs...but I am a FIDO user with an unlocked Rogers phone, so if it still doesn't work after 24 hrs. Who do I call?

Call FIDO!! Tell them you have updated. Ask for "network reset".

Some say that Rogers caught up on that, may be Fido didn't yet.
I was getting a warning saying that I was using the "roaming" network and that this, might add additional cost to my current data plan. Because of this, I didn't want to activate the internet.

I hope you really don't get charged roaming fees.

To not roam, change your APN settings from Rogers to Fido.
Settings-Wireless Controls-Mobile Networks-Access Point Names

This is what you want:
APN1 [this one will have the radio button beside it]
Name: fido internet
APN: internet.fido.ca
Username: fido
Password: fido
APN Type: default
(all other fields blank)

APN2 [this one will not have any radio button beside it]
Name: fido mms
APN: mms.fido.ca
MMSC: http://mms.fido.ca
MMS Proxy:
APN Type: mms
(all other fields blank)
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