lol Just imagine man. You got hit by a car at 3AM, no one outside. Except for a 6-year-old kid who doesn't have a cell phone. He sees you, your phone thrown out of your pocket, yet almost brand new and perfectly able to make calls. So the 6-year-old takes the phone, tries to call 911, phone reboots. You go into a 7-year coma because the kid had to walk to a hospital and get an ambulance (he didn't wanna wake anyone up at that time to get a phone), so you can't sue Rogers or tell the kid not to. The 6-year-old decides to sue Rogers. Rogers gets one of its lawyers to defend the company against the 6-year-old. Supposing the lawyer gets paid by Rogers, someone will have to "compensate" Rogers.

Smart, lawyer me.
BTW this same scenario won't be possible two months from now, not because 6-year-olds don't walk alone at night, but because they're gonna follow 7-year-olds and get cell phones.
And in case you try to emphasize the ONE AND ONLY

weakness in my scenario (which I'd rather call something irrelevant to our culture

again), which is the kid didn't wanna wake anyone up, seriously consider this. How would you like someone knocking your door at 3AM asking for a phone.