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Willing to make wallpapers

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Awesome wallpapers man! Nice work!

I have a request.... Dodge/ Cummins diesel wallpaper...Something with the Cummins and Dodge logo if possible. Like the chrome cummins logo thats on the side of Dodge trucks :D TIA!

Hi ShinySide, thanks for the compliment. :)

That should be doable. A few Q's for ya -
. What phone is this for? (You have a couple listed)
Any color preferences?
Bright & busy or maybe something more minimalistic?
. Do you want a truck to be featured, and if so what style & color?

Get back to me and I should get something to you in about a day or so.
It'd be for my Esteem (480X800 res) Lets go with bright and busy! As far as a truck, not picky on color but a 3500 dually something along these lines of style:


@ ShinySide -

Alright, here's what I came up with for you. Not as Bright & flashy as I had planned, but sometimes I start working on one and just go with what seems to be looking good to me. Hope you like the way it came out.

Preview ↓ - Do not save

To save at full 960x800 resolution - Follow the link bellow and long press the image on your phone until the save option pops up, Then find it in your photo gallery and set as wallpaper. If it looks fuzzy, you may be better off viewing it from a computer, right click and "save as", and finally transferring to you phone via USB or email.

Link to full sized version ↓
Hi Eyebeam, just been admiring your work, could you make me a wallpaper please?

I have an HTC One S, and would like an Arsenal themed wallpaper, with a background of either

Google Image Result for http://ballsandblush.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/em1.jpg



and with the Arsenal crest

Arsenal crest image by crestking on Photobucket

in the centre.

Out of the two background pics I do prefer the first one but if you think the second one will look better once blown up for screen resolution etc then I'll go with that.

And if you think it would look better a bit more jazzed up or blurry in the foreground or background then I'll trust you with that as well, whatever you think looks best really :)


Eyebeam, can you resize this to fit an HTC Incredible 2. As always thanks in advance!


  • 534198_10150973943471276_46299886275_12622448_1474516632_n.jpg
    54.7 KB · Views: 72
Hi Eyebeam, just been admiring your work, could you make me a wallpaper please?

I have an HTC One S, and would like an Arsenal themed wallpaper, with a background of either

Google Image Result for http://ballsandblush.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/em1.jpg


Google Image Result for http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Emirates_Stadium_Night_-_East_side_-_Composite.jpg

and with the Arsenal crest

Arsenal crest image by crestking on Photobucket

in the centre.

Out of the two background pics I do prefer the first one but if you think the second one will look better once blown up for screen resolution etc then I'll go with that.

And if you think it would look better a bit more jazzed up or blurry in the foreground or background then I'll trust you with that as well, whatever you think looks best really :)



Eyebeam, can you resize this to fit an HTC Incredible 2. As always thanks in advance!

OK guys, I'm on 'em! Neither should be any problem, so I should get them done today. check back.
@ happysteveo -

Alright, let me know if this is more or less what you had in mind -

Preview ↓ - Do not save

To save at full 1080x960 resolution - Follow the link bellow and long press the image on your phone until the save option pops up, Then find it in your photo gallery and set as wallpaper. If it looks fuzzy, you may be better off viewing it from a computer, right click and "save as", and finally transferring to you phone via USB or email.

Link to full sized version ↓
@ happysteveo -

Alright, let me know if this is more or less what you had in mind -

Preview ↓ - Do not save

To save at full 1080x960 resolution - Follow the link bellow and long press the image on your phone until the save option pops up, Then find it in your photo gallery and set as wallpaper. If it looks fuzzy, you may be better off viewing it from a computer, right click and "save as", and finally transferring to you phone via USB or email.

Link to full sized version ↓

Yeah, that's lovely, thank you!
@ happysteveo -

Alright, let me know if this is more or less what you had in mind -

Preview ↓ - Do not save

To save at full 1080x960 resolution - Follow the link bellow and long press the image on your phone until the save option pops up, Then find it in your photo gallery and set as wallpaper. If it looks fuzzy, you may be better off viewing it from a computer, right click and "save as", and finally transferring to you phone via USB or email.

Link to full sized version ↓

Eyebeam, Is there a way that you would be able to cut off the part of the picture below the stadium and add an equal space of black sky to the top of the picture to make up for the space that has been cut out?

Thanks again,

Eyebeam, Is there a way that you would be able to cut off the part of the picture below the stadium and add an equal space of black sky to the top of the picture to make up for the space that has been cut out?

Thanks again,


Probably. But I'm not quite sure what you mean. Can you explain what you want done in a little more detail?

Ok, see how this works for ya. I did it this way because the pic really wasn't in the best aspect ration for your phone's wallpaper. This way you at least get most of the main image on your home screen. Hope you like it!

Preview ↓ - Do not save

To save at full 960x800 resolution - Follow the link bellow and long press the image on your phone until the save option pops up, Then find it in your photo gallery and set as wallpaper. If it looks fuzzy, you may be better off viewing it from a computer, right click and "save as", and finally transferring to you phone via USB or email.

Link to full sized version ↓
Probably. But I'm not quite sure what you mean. Can you explain what you want done in a little more detail?

Ideally I would like the picture at the bottom to end at the bottom of the stadium(so it cuts of anything below the bottom of the stadium and add in more black sky above the Arsenal crest instead.

Like this but maybe with a little less cut off the bottom?

Ideally I would like the picture at the bottom to end at the bottom of the stadium(so it cuts of anything below the bottom of the stadium and add in more black sky above the Arsenal crest instead.

Like this but maybe with a little less cut off the bottom?

Visual Aid! Perfect. :)

Ok, see if this is better for you -

Preview ↓ - Do not save
Edit: Removed for revision. See -

Visual Aid! Perfect. :)

Ok, see if this is better for you -

Preview ↓ - Do not save

To save at full 1080x960 resolution - Follow the link bellow and long press the image on your phone until the save option pops up, Then find it in your photo gallery and set as wallpaper. If it looks fuzzy, you may be better off viewing it from a computer, right click and "save as", and finally transferring to you phone via USB or email.

Link to full sized version ↓

Ahh, was still just slightly too short at the bottom! Could you do one like this please?


Ok, see how this works for ya. I did it this way because the pic really wasn't in the best aspect ration for your phone's wallpaper. This way you at least get most of the main image on your home screen. Hope you like it!

Thanks again. I like it as always. Seems like I always pick out the worst pictures to have you edit for me lol. I appreciate the top notch work as always though!
Hey eyebeam..goodness i haven't been here for a long time! ;) (due to exams)
As my Motorola milestone 'died' i now have a nexus one although the resolution is still pretty much the same :)

But anyway what i wanted was the 4 coloured nexus 'X' on a space kind of background (if it was coloured vaguely purple that would be great) and a half transparent android poking up from the bottom right corner. I dont want the x to be too big and I'll leave the choice of space picture up to you as you always seem to find better ones than me! ;)

Screen resolution on this phone is 480x800 and if you can do this i will be very grateful as always :D thanks again, its good to see you're still doing this for people :)
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