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Best way to eat an Oreo.

Rachel A

Android Expert
So, being an ignorant Brit living in the US I find myself asking this question. I've always eaten them as is, the wife takes two, eats the top chocolate wafer of each then joining the two together to make a double sandwich.

Is this the best way or do people have strong opinions? This is an important question I feel needs answering.
No, no, no. Buy the double stuff but follow the OP's wife's instructions and end up with quadruple stuff!!!!! Now THAT"S AN OREO!!!

OMG...if I could quote one for my favorite movies after reading your post. Tommy Boy.

" I can almost hear you getting fatter. " :p
Best way is to not eat them at all. Nutter Butters are where its at !!!!

I've been informed by she who must be obeyed that these suckers are peanut based. Can't do peanuts (handy tip for anyone looking at knocking me off)

No, no, no. Buy the double stuff but follow the OP's wife's instructions and end up with quadruple stuff!!!!! Now THAT"S AN OREO!!!

Apparently we are eating the double stuff - shows you how much I know. Interestingly Oreo's were not on my citizenship test. A glaring oversight that Congress may want to address perhaps?
It just so happens the wife just made a huge batch of her Oreo truffles for her sister's wedding.

Oreo cookies crumbled in the food processor, then mixed with cream cheese. Roll into 1" balls and dip in white chocolate. Crushed Oreos on top. Oreo Truffles! So good!

Edit: If anyone want's the exact recipe, let me know and I'll ask her to post it.

Re-edit: Recipe is posted here: http://androidforums.com/lounge/595510-best-way-eat-oreo.html#post4769412
I put a whole oreo in my mouth and drink milk then gargle it like Listerine. (When was young). :flute:
It just so happens the wife just made a huge batch of her Oreo truffles for her sister's wedding.

Oreo cookies crumbled in the food processor, then mixed with cream cheese. Roll into 1" balls and dip in white chocolate. Crushed Oreos on top. Oreo Truffles! So good!

Edit: If anyone want's the exact recipe, let me know and I'll ask her to post it.

Please :)

I want it!

(@BigCix - You should probably edit your email address out of your post. Spammers have been known to mine forums for valid emails.)

Ok, here it is:

Oreo Truffles
1 package oreo cookies (divided… use cookie including the cream center)
1 8oz. package cream cheese (softened)
white chocolate bark

1. Finely crush 3 cookies in a food processor or place them in a ziploc bag and crush into a fine consistency. Reserve for later.
2. Crush remaining cookies and stir in softened cream cheese. Use the back of a large spoon to help mash the two together.
3. Roll the mixture into 1″ balls and place on wax paper covered cookie sheet.
4. Melt chocolate as directed on the package and then dip balls into chocolate, tap off extra and set aside on wax paper covered cookie sheet to dry. Sprinkle the tops with the 3 crushed cookies for decoration.
5. Once dry, refrigerate and enjoy!

Makes about 36 truffles.

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