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Apple iPhone 5: 250 Million Units Of Next iPhone Could Be Sold Over Its Life Cycle, Says Analyst

Do you believe in the success of iPhone 5

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    Votes: 13 46.4%
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Maybe the point of the question was just wondering how many new iPhone users there are vs upgrades.

That's always a fair question, regardless of brand.

Not everything is an attack, Bob.

I think that you're maybe taking this all too personally.

People were fair enough to post the iPhone interest in the first place.

Second, when someone expresses an opinion, as has been done here using that very word, they don't need fact corrections or have to provide examples backing up their opinion.

In the Lounge, when we tell people to put their feet up, it's not so that they can be held to the fire.

Let's all please post friendly.

Cheers, thanks. :)
Far fewer than the numbers of android users that seem to buy the next big thing on the android side, I'll bet. What might your point be? That apple customers waste money on the new iPhone just because it is new and from apple?

Well, sir . . . take a look at android customers that purchase new android phones. Seems millions purchase the next android device just because it is new. No reason why, they just cant wait to get their hand on the next thing only to long for its replacement in a few months that is not upgraded so they try a new carrier or a new brand of phone.

Look at Apple. they release a few models every year or so and they sell millions of phones. Android releases hundreds of new devices constantly, and you android famboys are never satisfied.

Lets face it, Appke is a great company that seems to know what people want. They do not force endless beta tests on their customers like android makers seem to do. I wish Google would come up with a decent OS release candidate so you hapless android users finally get a stable OS to work with. Write your carrier and your phone maker and demand a final release. Tell them you are tired of beta testing an iOS wanna be and get 'er done, dagnabbit.


But relax, perhaps the next iteration of the android OS will be the Holy Grail in the world of smartphones: an OS that is as useful as iOS.

Shouldnt you be on an iphone forum with this nonsense?
You're obviously just trying to stir things up. Go preach you're apple love to people who care. Last time I checked this is android forums. We are hear to talk and share resorces for the android OS. Not to listen to an apple fanboy try and tell us ios is far superior than android. Go spit that BS to people who care.
Look at Apple. they release a few models every year or so and they sell millions of phones. Android releases hundreds of new devices constantly, and you android famboys are never satisfied.

If Apple fanboys were satisfied, why even update? :D

Lets face it, Appke is a great company that
seems to know what people want.

Correction, they try to dictate what people should want. Android has had a notification bar for years. Apple copied it. And tell the people its "astonishing" and you should want to get the iOS5 update for it. See what I mean?

They do not force endless beta tests on their customers like android makers seem to do. I wish Google would come up with a decent OS release candidate so you hapless android users finally get a stable OS to work with. Write your carrier and your phone maker and demand a final release. Tell them you are tired of beta testing an iOS wanna be and get 'er done, dagnabbit.

Correction, With every new update iOS has after iOS4, its clear that iOS is an Android wanna be who wants to copy the functionality possible with Android.

Notification bars, lockscreen notification and app shortcuts, multitasking, folders, etc. None of these were on iOS when it came out. But they were on Android. And they started showing up on iOS a few updates later. Ok I'll give them the folders and multitasking. That's a phone staple since Symbian days. But the others shown in the video? Nah.
Bob. I'm not going to make a huge post about this, nor am I going to debate you. But I do want to make one thing clear, and that is that android can do many many things iPhone can't. Doesn't matter if it's jail broke out not. Go on YouTube and do some searches for videos showing the huge list of things android can do that ios can't.

So you do not care to point out a few? YouTube likely says something different, I suppose.
Of course it's going to be a success. There is a lot of truth to the saying that apple could put a logo on a piece of crap and sell millions.
All too true. The article cited here rather hints at that fact, doesn't it? An analyst is expecting the next iPhone to sell 250 million units when no one has a solid idea of what the next phone will actually be (yes, there are rumors, but there always are -- remember all the nonsense that was swirling around last year about the "confirmed" features of what turned out to be the 4S?) No one knows for sure what the next iPhone will be, but you'd better believe it will sell.
"rumors also suggest that the handset would run on iOS 6, which would be completely scalable to a larger 640 x 1136 display. The device is also likely to feature a much-improved processor, 4G LTE technology, Near Field Communication (NFC), 1GB RAM, iOS 6, improved Siri, liquidmetal casing, an 8 megapixel (or even higher) rear camera, a 2 megapixel front-facing camera for video chatting and a much-improved battery life"

So basically catching up with current Android hardware (ie Samsung HTC)

A 4" screen would be a big deal for them because they were stuck with 3.5" for so long. There used to be a time when Apple was able to outspec all the Android phones for months but this is history and it is up to Android to push the state of the art..
Please, please have NFC. Sadly, I still think it's the only way there will be a greater infrastructure and wider usability of it. Google Wallet is fun.... when you can find a place to use it. :o
If Android had something like Windows Update, where OS updates automatically downloaded from Google without waiting for carriers and OEM's, it would be much more successful. It really bothers me that Jellybean has everything Android needs but most users won't even get it.
I just don't see the iPhone 5 selling 250 million units. I mean, there's only 300 million people in the US. 250 million is just a huge number.
I just don't see the iPhone 5 selling 250 million units. I mean, there's only 300 million people in the US. 250 million is just a huge number.

Well, maybe they are counting markets world wide, yes?

That's maybe a bigger number for total number sold. I know that we consume a lot of smartphones, but I think that we have to consider the big sales elsewhere.

Just an idea. ;) :)
I just checked this thread for the first time since posting in it, because I actually don't care.

But here is a very short list, there are many many things I won't be posting, if you really care research it for yourself.

Custom launchers
Custom lock screens
Custom keyboards
Theming of almost everything
Customs Roms
Custom kernels which allow overclocking and changing of boot animations, status bar icons and more
Live wallpapers
True multi tasking
True 4g lte
And so much more...It's really a joke I had to even post this because it's very easy to go on the web and research this yourself. Like I said go on YouTube and type 'what can android do that iPhone can't' there are some very well made videos showing the many many things that it can't.

Of course the new iPhone will have 4g LTE and probably NFC and maybe even true multi tasking, but most things that android does that iPhone can't will remain as is because Apple locks down their OS too much. Even a jail broken iPhone basically just does what a stock android can out of the box.

I'm not hating on iPhone though because they run smooth and stable, they are just boring to me. The only reason I made this post was to answer your question. It just shocked me when you said that an iPhone can do anything an android phone can. That's just blatantly false.
If the iphoney 5 is a success, it'll be down to the marketing, pure and simple.

Not really. It will be a success and it will be a well built product most people that purchase will love. Just like every other iDevice people cannot wait to purchase and enjoy.

Marketing is part of it to be sure. Just like on the Android side. Every maker--as well as Google and Apple--wants a wild success.

Apple is good, Android is good and people will vote with their cash.
Please don't make it personal or let stuff get to you in opinion threads. :)

If you don't care for another poster, go to your User CP link in the upper left of the page, look down the left column and put them on ignore.

Think of it as an automatic agree to disagree feature.

There's no requirements to agree here, but it's more fun if we respect everyone's right to their opinion. :)

Thread cleaned a little bit, nothing personal, please drop me a line if anyone wants to discuss it.

Cheers, thanks. :)
If the iphoney 5 is a success, it'll be down to the marketing, pure and simple.

The marketing dept is already hard at work. They are calling the 5, the biggest upgrade in consumer electronics history....ha ha ha. Apple fans are so gullible. They will drink that kool aid right up. I'm guessing the new iPhone 5 will have. 3 ghz processor, a tb or two of storage, dedicated 4gb ram graphics power and a 20 day battery. That would be the biggest upgrade in consumer electronics history. Alas, it will be spec'd to the previous generation of android devices and already outclassed by the current generation. Just like the 4s and 4...and 3gs.....and 3. See where this is going? Until the isheep realize that apple are taking them for a major profit ride, they will never have the best phone. I would love to see apple lovers everywhere not buy this mediocore device. Maybe that way they would really get a revolutionary device instead of one based on rip offs and weaseling technology.
The marketing dept is already hard at work. They are calling the 5, the biggest upgrade in consumer electronics history....ha ha ha. Apple fans are so gullible.

I absolutely know that you do not know what the 5 will be; its features and size. Only Apple knows so you might reserve judgement until you read the specs. Perhaps it is a non-starter as far as tech goes. Or . . . perhaps it will blow us all away.

I am smart enough to reserve judgement until the only people that actually know--Apple--release the specs and pictures.

Us Apple users are not gullible. Not sure the buying public is, either. Fanboys will NOT and did not drive Apple's astounding profits. It is easy to call us gullible fanboys when the fact of the matter is, most just want a good phone and they go Apple because of the reputation. They know iPhones and they do not know Android.

Bet your last dollar that all the rest want the same group of fanboys Apple enjoys. Perhaps those that are ever so proud that Android does not have rabid fanboys; that Android does not have what some think is a blind, gullible and stupid fan base should not be so pleased.

Buyers go to the Android sites and read how much Apple sucks. They go to the Apple sites and ditto. So they buy what they know and for the most part, they are as pleased with their phones as you are with your Android.

and BOTH CAMPS gor a good device, regardless.

They likely know very little about phones except they want Android or Apple or BB. And I might add this: Android users are likely just as gullible. They go Android because they read it is better or they see the one of the ten thousand ads between Matlock and the 10:00 news that suggests Android is better than the others.

Apple is a serious problem for all makers these days and my guess is Apple will sell vast numbers. They will likely own the cell market for a few months after the release. Get over it; Apple is here to stay.

I am pleased as hell with my iPad. I plan to buy an iPhone and I am proud of my fleeting association with a company that manufactured Apple products for Apple. I am proud of Apple and its financial position and ditto the pride that Apple is an American company. They do things right and they have made large numbers of millionaires.

Perhaps a little pride in a true blue American company is in order.

and BOTH CAMPS gor a good device, regardless.

. They go Android because they read it is better or they see the one of the ten thousand ads between Matlock and the 10:00 news that suggests Android is better than the others.

Yes. My children's mother enjoys her i phone very much. She does miss some Android features but she's not too concerned with that. She dies have her Xoom after all.

Lol, i have yet to see an ad in the real
I say pick the features you want, the price you can afford, and be happy. Stop listening to the web; it is filled with polar opposites, piss and vinegar, people with buyers remorse, people that do not know much and very little decent info tat once found is contradicted by actual "journalists and writers (yes, I am laughing, too).

If you want Android, go with God and stop telling us Apple users we are fools. If you like Apple, ditto. Before you say the new iPhone sucks, wait until it is released and then pick it to bits.

Don't worry, be happy and that is about that.
I say pick the features you want, the price you can afford, and be happy. Stop listening to the web; it is filled with polar opposites, piss and vinegar, people with buyers remorse, people that do not know much and very little decent info tat once found is contradicted by actual "journalists and writers (yes, I am laughing, too).

If you want Android, go with God and stop telling us Apple users we are fools. If you like Apple, ditto. Before you say the new iPhone sucks, wait until it is released and then pick it to bits.

Don't worry, be happy and that is about that.

Ok. i am so glad i waited to by my s3 before the " greatest upgrade in consumer electronics history was unveiled". just reinforces what i have thought in the past year of apple suing competition. Steve was apple. no doubt. even their marketing cannot hype the 5 enough. Hell my s2x has just as good or better specs than the iphone 5.
Ok. i am so glad i waited to by my s3 before the " greatest upgrade in consumer electronics history was unveiled". just reinforces what i have thought in the past year of apple suing competition. Steve was apple. no doubt. even their marketing cannot hype the 5 enough. Hell my s2x has just as good or better specs than the iphone 5.

I have to agree. Jobs was a pure genius.
I have to agree. Jobs was a pure genius.

He was a visionary. a great marketing professional too. but he developed products to back it up. even osx is gone down the crapper now. i picked up a new computer for home and had a bugger of a time trying to get my photos off the mac. glad its gone. so not user friendly.
I agree.

BTW, the notes from the presentation today indicated that 400 million iDevices have been sold to date, didn't they?

If I read that correctly then this thread title is perhaps rather optimistic.
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