Redd Kloud
I have used over 220GB over the summer when my only source of entertainment was streaming on my phone. I didn't slow down once.. to be exact I used around 321GB..
If you experienced a slow down I'd imagine it was something to do in your area..
I also have contacts I'm Cricket who said they aren't even using any type of network management on unlimited right now except for the 8MB limit.. I know T-Mobile starts to prioritize data after 20 something GB on unlimited if the tower in your area is congested.. my contact higher up at Cricket claims they aren't even doing this..
So yeah I can personally confirm you can use over 300GB no issues.. I don't do that a lot and now I will probably only average 30 - 40 GB but during the summer I work away from home so my phone is my only entertainment in the evenings
Cricket has just announced, in 35 days, they will throttle any user surpassing 22 GB during monthly cycle. That sucks, and makes them the worst choice because their speeds will remain 8mbps.